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Ink had his paints ready, Dream had his magic recharged, Horror had his axe, Carrot had his cigarettes (totally relevant), and I had my hatchet. It was time to go to war. Ink opened a portal to the au they were attacking and we all jumped through. They had to have known what was going on, but they hadn't known when. That'd given us an advantage. Ink and Error clashed, Dream and Nightmare fought, Horror and Cross took each other on, Dust and Carrot were having a rematch, which let me with the emotionless Killer. The blades grated against each other as they met, creating a sharp screeching sound. "you're going to die, now matter how much you fight against it, you're going to die again." Killer stated simply. "If I do, I'll just come back again!" Not that I was going to let myself die. He took a spab at me, to which I jumped away and threw up some bones. He blocked with his own wall of bones, firing his blasters at me. Dodging them was harder, I lost a few hp, but so had he. I'd fired some of my own blasters while being attacked.


The first battle had been our victory, so had the second. The third... not so much. We all came back a mess. My HP was about 2/80. Horror's was 8/99. Dream was at 3/20. Ink was at 2/50. Carrot was at 4/15. "Not fun.." Horror groaned and started licking his wounds. Nobody questioned it. Carrot flopped painfully on the couch and I started licking his wounds, well, I tried anyway. "what're ya doing?" He pulled away. "Because of my L.O.V.E, I can't heal the way I used to. Why do you think father is licking his wounds?" They all looked back to Horror, who was expertly ignoring everyone while he licked the cuts on his ribs. They looked away immediately. "so.." Ink started. "it's in your spit?" I nodded. "uh blue, buddy, why don't you heal yourself. your hp is really low." I frowned. "You just don't wanna be licked."
"it is weird." Ink admitted while Dream set to healing my brother. "not in our au." Horror finally stated. "It's rather normal." I agreed. "to each au their own." Dream decided. "So.. who's ready for the next battle..?" Everyone groaned collectively.


Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to a month. This was only the beginning. I felt bad for using the aus as our battle grounds, but we really didn't have much options. Sometimes the Sans or Papyrus of the au fought with us, sometimes they fought against us, and sometimes they didn't fight at all. They were weakening slowly, but they didn't have any healers on their side either. It took them longer to recover, and we used that to are advantage. Still, they put on a pretty strong front. I jolted awake, eyelights illuminating the room. Since the war started, I've been having having a repetitive nightmare. The one about my first kill. Killer seemed to be haunting my dreams. I don't wanna make this war about myself though. I don't wanna get back at Killer for making me a murderer. Well, I do but I don't. This war was for the aus, the multiverse. That's why I wanted to fight it. It wasn't just about the fact that they want me dead. My survival was simply an added bonus. I didn't wanna be selfish. I crawled out of bed to take a walk.


I relaxed under the clear night sky until dawn. It wasn't the first time in the month. Dream would probably yell at me again, but he was important to the plan. I didn't need him staying up so I could sleep or something like that. It probably sounds stupid, but it's a legitimate thought in my skull. I was fine. I dealt with them all my life. I got up and started walking back, hands in my hoodie pocket. I summoned my hatchet as I went along, preparing myself for yet another battle. Today I was Breaking Free.

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