Nightmare POV
Horror, that traitor. I should have known. I should have KILLED it from the time Horror had called me all those years ago. I should have KILLED it when he first brought it to the mansion. Blueberry lives within Bitter. The signs had been there. I'd been naive. Now instead of converting Blueberry into one of us and living under my rule, he and Horror had both betrayed me, turning to the enemy for help. They'd both pay for this betrayal and this time.. I'll make sure Blueberry STAYS dead. "this means war." My tentacles twitched with excitement.
I'd first sensed it within Bitter's soul. A deep negativity no normal baby bones would have. Not if this was their first life. I've met two other reincarnated souls before in my long life as the King. One of the being Classic Sans himself and the other being Red from Underfell. Classic was well aware of his former life while Red.. wasn't. Then there was this traumatized Bitter, who ironically had become the son of his murderer. I'd known the moment I'd met him that something wasn't right about him. I'd known that I was racing against some sort of clock to make him a pawn, yet he was unconsciously reacting as Blueberry would have, even more so when his eyelights shaped into stars. That'd been the first major hint. I'd wanted to kill him then, too. An opportunity had presented itself though. Turning Blueberry against his old comrades before he became aware? It was perfect. Then he was kidnapped by the Star Sanses. Seeing him in his former clothing, my plans were dashed. There was no way. All that work, all for nought. His soul held strong to Blueberry's 'good' beliefs. So in one final feeble attempt, I ordered him to destroy Dusttrust on his own. Admittedly a bad move on my part, because now I had two new enemies.
I gathered the boys. "bitter and horror have betrayed us. they are now targets to be killed on sight if spotted."
"Horror? you're kidding? what about the whole food ordeal?" Dust asked immediately. "it seems he no longer cares. bitter refused to kill the remaining monster in dusttrust, so i sent horror to do it. it seems the brat convinced horror of another way to feed horrortale through the star sanses. now they both conspire against us." I concluded. "so we are the murder time duo now, shame." Killer replied simply. "i-i ass-ss-ssu-me th-a-at th-ey wi-i-ill not b-e ge-e-etin-g of-f s-sco-t fr-ee." I grinned maliciously. "not at all. the war with those pests have gotten interesting once more. killing them all will be a treat."It's short, but kinda wanted to show how our good old buddies, the Bad Sanses are doing, and show Noot Noot's suspicions on all of this.

Child of my Killer
FanfictionBlueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.