"Welcome to Paradis!"

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You were unable to make out the appearance of the soldier that stood on the shore, but you could visibly see him preparing to fight you one-vs-one. The edges of your mouth curled upwards into an amused smirk, finding humour in the idea that they believed a singular soldier could defeat you.

You arched your arms backwards, your skin slowly shifting in colour: after ten seconds, your body had become transfixed in a strange sensation whilst you camouflaged into your surroundings.

The mysterious soldier drew back for a moment, genuine shock filling his face. He appeared confused, and glanced back to his Comrade for guidance as to how to approach the unfamiliar situation.

His Comrade, however, was too bewildered by your transformation to advise him on what to do. You had never quite seen someone so bewitched by a titan: although, they didn't appear scared - they appeared delighted.

After a moment of hesitation, the ebony-haired stranger embedded his metallic gear into your left shoulder to steer himself closer to you. His feet left the ground, taking flight in the calm air. You could tell from his behaviour that he was a well-adapted soldier who was highly capable in fighting, however, had never been in a situation like this before: fighting against a titan that wasn't visible to the naked-eye.

He could vaguely assume where you stood based on the imprints in the water from your feet, however, could not anticipate your position or posture.

You raised your arm once more whilst he glided closer towards you: he protectively held his blades in front of him to defend his face and chest, unable to predict your next move.

You swung your left arm to block him from getting too close towards you. Somehow noticing before you made contact, the soldier detached his gear from your skin: his body began to swiftly fall, before he angled his gear to embed the metal claws of the gear into your thigh. His body soared through the salty-air as he attempted to make sense of your position. He outstretched his arms to embed his sharp blades into your skin as steam poured from the wound. He then shifted his body once again and repeated his actions, causing more steam to erupt in various regions of your body.

You realised what he was attempting to do. He was causing lacerations in your body so that steam would protrude from your wounds, then he would be able to easily pin-point the areas of your body and locate of your nape.

After just one minute of fighting against him, the unknown soldier had successfully caused numerous lacerations on your arms, legs and shoulders. He was already inching closer towards your vital region: your nape.

He had adapted to his situation quickly - too quickly. You thought that it must have been impossible that a single soldier, especially one from Paradis, could have such physical and mental strength. However, he was proving you incorrect.

He seemed beyond-human.

Retaliating against him, you swung your arm once more towards his muscular body. You successfully hit the soldier as you witnessed him being thrown back; you knew that it would've severely wounded any other soldier, but he was different. He was barely affected by your attack and easily continued his plan - as well as this, he successfully missed your second attempt and embedded his blades deeply into the front of your titans neck, just beneath its jaw.

You rapidly outstretched your arm and clamped your individual fingers around his body, squeezing with all of your strength. You weren't quite sure how, but he managed to not only escape from your grasp: but completely slice your fingers off whilst doing so.

Your wide eyes glanced to you right, your pupils locking onto the battleship; your heart immediately dropped at the sight. You had become so focused on disabling the unknown soldier of Paradis, that your battleship had been seized.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now