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You pounded on your Captains door.

"Who is it?" He called out, not glancing up from the thick pile of paperwork that the Commander had bestowed on him earlier that day.

"It's Y/N, can I come inside? Please." You hesitated, biting down onto your lower lip: "I really need to speak to you. It's important."

Levi hummed whilst his lips began to curl down, "Can it wait? I'm busy right now."

You didn't answer.

Levi, feeling especially impatient, exhaled an exaggerated sigh, "Fine, whatever." The Captain rested his fingers in the crook of his nose and massaged the bridge, "Come in. Just, please, make what you have to say fast."

Shakily breathing, you weakly opened the door to his office. Levi was sat calmly against his desk whilst filing through different sheets, not even glancing up at you whilst he did so.

"I've been waiting for you all morning."

You didn't respond.

"I decided to be nice today and make you a cup of tea to wake up to, and I haven't even gotten a thank-you for it. I know you lack manners, but," Levi clenched his jaw whilst angling his gaze onto your, however, the second he saw you: his face immediately dropped.

His voice had softened at the sight of you; tears streamed your cheeks; your hands trembled; you sniffled, unable to control yourself and prevent yourself from crying in front of him. You felt guilty; you felt like his burden.

"Y/N, what happened?"

Once again, you didn't respond.

Levi immediately rose from his chair, not waiting for you to explain yourself; one of his hands slipped around your waist to pull you into a tight embrace - his other hand pressed against the back of your neck to hold you closer against him. Your knees weakened - your body fell onto his as he held your weight in his arms with ease.

Your tears dampened his shirt, and, to your surprise: Levi didn't complain or sigh. His fingertips traced patterns against your skin comfortingly, whispering sweet things to you whilst he gave you the opportunity to release your emotions.

"It's okay, Y/N - you're okay." Levi whispered, his cheek pressing against yours whilst you slowly began to recollect your thoughts: "I'm here. You're safe with me - always."

You felt safe in the arms of your Captain. You felt safe when Levi said your name.

Noticing that you were beginning to calm down, Levi gently squeezed your body, "Will you tell me what's wrong, please? I could try to help you."

Your eyes met with him whilst you slightly pulled away from him, another tear falling down your cheek and cascading down your wobbling lips: "Levi?"

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Levi," You softly exhaled his name, guiltily closing your eyes, "I think I might be pregnant."

That was all that you had chance to confess, before, you felt Levi pull you into an embrace once more: burying his face in your shoulder to hide his anxiety-covered face. He squeezed your body once again, holding you so tightly that it difficult to breathe.

You both sat against the polished floor of his office: your backs were pressed against the wooden rear of his desk. It had been twenty-minutes, and, Levi's hand was tightly entwined with yours, refusing to let go of your hand.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now