Dance with the Devil

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Your fingers slipped into his as he led you onto the dance-floor. You struggled to maintain your composure: the cold feeling of his skin made your heart beat rapidly.

His steady hand travelled against your waist, pulling your figure against his chest. The long, delicate fingers of Levi's other hand trickled on your shoulder, gently cascading down your forearm and wrist until they met with your hand.

Levi peered at you through his dark eyelashes: his body-heat radiated onto your skin. The natural smell of his hair; his skin; his clothes... drove you into a feeling of insanity. You enjoyed being in Levi's embrace: it made you feel safe.

Your feet shifted on the wooden planks of the ground: you danced to the steady, romantic beat of the music. Levi Ackerman mirrored your movements, his star-coloured eyes locked on yours.

"You're a good dancer." You whispered, barely loud enough to hear above the music.

He pulled your waist closer against him, his lips leaning closer to your ear so that you could hear him: "My mother taught me."

"From what you've said, it sounds like she taught you a lot." You began, watching his cold expression faintly soften: "You must have been close with her."

Levi pressed his lips firmly together, but, did not confirm or deny your statement.

Levi lifted your arm into the air to spin your body around, before drawing your figure towards his once more.

"You do look beautiful in that dress." Levi spoke once again, his intense facade slowly fading away with each passing second: "I know that I told you I liked the dress earlier, but," The older man hesitated, his eyes shifting from yours and onto the table of his Comrades - Hange was intently observing you both from afar, "I suppose I didn't sound.. sincere."

"Thank-you," Your fingertips ran along his collarbone, able to feel his physique through his shirt and jacket: "But, that won't make me forget what you said to me in the training room. You hurt me, Levi."

His eyes widened in alarm.

Memories of the night lingered in the atmosphere; neither of you were quite sure what the intimacy meant, or, where you stood with each other.

The Captain finally shifted his eyes back onto yours with a troubled haze lurking in his misty eyes: "I'm sorry." Your eyes widened, admittedly surprised that someone like Levi had the ability to apologise, "I'm sorry about the way I acted the other night."

"Really?" You practically gasped.

Levi nodded, "I wasn't planning on kicking you out like that."

Still not quite satisfied, you prodded further at the brooding, older man: "Then, why did you?"

Levi twirled you once again as the dance continued. The Captain exhaled against your neck, his eyes sinking downwards.

"I didn't expect for the night to turn out the way it did," He admitted to you, "I didn't expect myself to.. kiss you. Two wrongs don't necessarily make a right. Us, together: it wouldn't end well. We can barely stand to be in the same room together, never mind-!"

"Us?" You practically laughed out loud, "Who says that I would even want to be with you? Especially after how you treated me."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now