Justice, Allas

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As the meeting came to and end, his fingers laced around your wrist, dragging you away before you could say goodnight to anyone in the meeting.

Your heart was pounding; your breaths began to shorten; anxiety fuelled your blood, and, excitement overlapped every thought within your brain. Your yearning for Levi's touch had began to grow physically painful over the past day: you needed the release that his body offered you.

Levi finally released his grip of your arm whilst slamming the door to his office behind you both. Slowly, you wandered towards your desk and stood in the same position you had been standing in the day prior whilst he teased you.

The ebony-haired man calmly pressed his palm against the door, trickling his fingers down the wooden-ridges before reaching the handle. He slowly locked the door to his office, finally glancing over his shoulder to meet with your eyes.

"Y/N." He muttered your name more bitterly than usual.

Just from the broodiness of his tone, your anxiety began to grow as you worried that you had misinterpreted the situation - that you had genuinely made him mad at you.

Whilst your back faced him, he began to slowly step closer towards you: his delicate fingers travelled to the top of your spine, then, gently trickled down your sensitive spine, "I'm going to need you to be honest with me, and admit what you were trying to do during that meeting."

Despite feeling so nervous beneath his touch, you sighed with relief that he wasn't truly angry with you; or, at least, he wasn't too angry.

Your eyes locked onto his from over your shoulder as he pressed his chest against hour back, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid that I don't know what you're taking about, Captain."

"Are you sure that's what you want to say to me, Y/N?"

Your body slowly turned around to face your older Captain.

Leaning closer, your lips began to ease into a smirk: "Am I the first woman to make you hard during a meeting, Levi?" You teased, watching his cold eyes swiftly widen with surprise: taken aback by your lack of subtly, "All I did was touch your thigh, it was sad to watch."

Levi's hand immediately rose, clasping his thumb and index fingers around your cheeks to clamp your mouth shut. You winced, feeling as he squeezed your cheeks together.

"You better shut that pretty, little mouth of yours." Levi warned you, his eyes glaring into yours whilst he tightened his grip of your face, "You don't want to make your situation worse than it already is."

You softly entwined your fingers with his to remove his hand away from cheeks.

"Or, what?"

Levi, slightly astonished by your sudden outburst of confidence, tilted his head: "What do you mean, or what?"

You began to press your hands against the back of Levi Ackerman's neck, running your fingers through his soft under cut. Your fingertips wrapped around his locks, holding his head in place to force his eyes to remain on yours; his gaze softened onto you.

Whilst he tilted his head into your palm, his eyes beginning to close. Your touch relaxed him: despite that fact made him feel so unnerved.

You leaned closer towards your Captain, whispering against his lips: "I mean, what are you going to do to me?"

Levi could feel your hot-breaths against the sensitive, supple skin of his lips. You watched as his pupils began to dilate; his light, mist-coloured eyes glazed over whilst his lips began to twitch. Levi didn't respond to your question: he took his time to analyse your face, his eyes scanning each inch of your features.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now