Hell on Earth

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You tilted your head to the side, both concerned and surprised by his question: "Of course - I care about you, Levi."

With twitching eyebrows, Levi tutted, "You shouldn't - care about me, that is."

You scoffed, "Why is that?"

"The answer should be obvious - even for you." His star-coloured eyes rolled up into his skull whilst his emotionless glare began to intensify, "I'm Humanities Strongest Soldier. You're a titan."

"I would prefer for you to refer to me as a shifter. When you call me a titan, it feels degrading."

"Consider my words a warning," Levi continued, not taking notice of your offence - "I kill titans for a living: it's my occupation. My skill. It's practically all that I'm worth." His voice was hoarse, devoid of any emotions, "Your titan-form is difficult to look at. You should be careful - I could get you confused for a mindless titan one day."

"You vex me - you know that, don't you, Captain Levi?"

"You should know, if we're speaking truthfully for a moment," Levi began to direct his gaze across your shoulder, trying to look anywhere but your eyes: "You're not exactly the person that I least care about, either."

"Really?" Astounded, you almost chuckled at his confession: "I knew that there was a part of you that cared for me."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Scout." Your Captain swiftly approached, fiercely shaking his head whilst strands of hair fell above his dark, haunting eyes: "I never told you that I care about you; only that there are people who I care about less."

"Don't lie to me - or, yourself, for that matter." Your laughter filled the gaps of the music once more.

Agitated, Levi screwed his nose up and began to snap: "Do you really want to know the truth?" He scowled in his usual, menacing matter, "I'm glad you're not pregnant. If you were pregnant, you would have become at least ten-times more irritating: I already have enough to deal with when it comes to you. It sounds like Hell on Earth."

"You're glad? You should consider how I feel." You shivered in place, "Just imagine if the baby had turned out like you. That would be my worse nightmare!"

"Watch it." He warned you, dragging his sentence slowly.

His expression eased at the sound of your laugh, a small, faint smile forming against his soft lips. Pressing his lips together with the attempt of ridding himself of the smile, Levi lifted your arm to twirl your body once more; his hands landed onto your hips, then, slowly began to ride up to your waist.

Whilst wrinkling his brows, the Captain noticed you begin to yawn.

"Are you tired?"

"Not at all," You lied, to his disappointment, "We should stay out for longer. I don't want to go back to the barracks - not yet."

Shaking his head, he released you from his embrace.

"Don't lie to me - especially to my face." Levi tilted his head upwards, glaring at you through his lashes: "You're tired - you should rest. It's not healthy to force yourself to stay awake, even if it is just to stay out for longer with me. And, after all," Levi began to step away from you, his piercing eyes refusing to break his gaze that was transfixed onto your lips: "I happen to care about you."

Your disappointment was unfathomable, although, you couldn't deny that Levi Ackerman was correct. You were both physically, and, mentally exhausted from the work that Hange had given you; stacks of paperwork; questioning regarding Marley; analysing your titan form. You nodded at your Captain to surrender, realising how sincere his comment was when claiming that he could 'read you like a book'.

You began your journey to the Barracks.

Far ahead, was a large group of drunken people; they tipsily danced and cheered, forming a large crowd in the middle of the foot-path.

His finger tips brushed against yours.

You felt each finger entwine one-by-one, his hand slowly slipping into yours. His gaze was directed onto the floor.

"There's a large group of men ahead of us," Levi murmured quietly, squeezing your hand gently in his grasp: "Don't let go of my hand."

You nodded, feeling his hand instinctively lock his fingers around yours.

Despite his intentions, Levi still held your hand after you had passed the group of strangers. You could feel the softness of his cold skin against yours whilst his thumb traced patterns onto your knuckles.

You stared. You couldn't help yourself - when it came to Captain Levi, you could have stared for hours and ceased to grow bored.

The white of his eyes glowed beneath the light of the full moon. The stars reflected crystals in the black-abyss in his pupils. Rays of moonlight bathed his pale skin, highlighting every square inch of his handsome face; his sharp-nose, his dark, hateful eyes, his smooth, supple lips. His gaze was concentrated on the view of the sky that was only visible through the cracks in the tall, looming trees.

Levi spoke, although, you were too transfixed too listen.

Levi could be cruel; heartless, and, willing to kill. You had known this fact about him from the moment that you had first seen him. From when he had threatened to end your life during your first battle against him.

He lacked a regard for other people's feelings. During the six months that you had known him, you were aware that you could count on your fingers how many times he had been kind to you. Until Levi, you had never met a person that could make you so frustrated - so overwhelmed with wrath.

Levi had one friend. And it wasn't even you.

Levi refused to smile. Levi refused to laugh. He refused to open-up about his life, his feelings, his history; he refused to let people in.

And, yet, at this moment you could not look away from him.

His voice was your favourite sound; his laugh, though rare, was music. When you caught that sacred, glimpse of a smile, nothing else mattered to you. His touch was your drug: you craved his body when he was not near. And, despite it being so infrequent, Levi had moments where he could be extremely kind, considerate and passionate.

You hated yourself. You thought that you might be insane: you considered that by working alongside Paradis, you had consequently lost your sanity.

You hated yourself. Because, deep down, you knew.

You were falling in love with Captain Levi Ackerman.

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now