No Strings Attached

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Rays of summer sunlight glared through the windows of the Mess Hall, beating down onto your yawning face. Tiredly, you rubbed your eyes; the sound of cutlery smacking against tables rattled in your ears whilst you waited in line for your breakfast.

Another yawn slipped from your lips whilst you stepped forward in the queue.


You jumped, startled, at the sound of a deep voice from behind you. You sighed with relief that it was only Onyankopon who was greeting you.

"Good-morning," You tiredly replied, "How are you?"

"A little tired, but, other than that I'm fine." His dark eyes began to steer up towards the ceiling whilst he rubbed the ape of his neck, "So, why have you been telling people that we're sleeping together?"

You dropped your plate on the ground, a large crash greeting you back as your body froze.

A few tables glanced at you, but, afterwards they carried on speaking whilst shaking their heads disapprovingly.

"Fuck." You muttered under your breath.

"What do you mean fuck?" He scoffed with a confused smile, slightly amused at what was happening, "Were you not expecting me to find out?"

"I can explain, I swear."

Gesturing out his hand, he frowned: "Go on, then."

Your eyes peered around the crowded Mess Hall: multiple tables were glancing in the direction of you both together, curious as to why you had dropped your plate.

Your throat nervously began to tighten as you sheepishly muttered: "Not here."

Onyankopon gestured out his palm once again to signal for you to lead the way. You immediately wrapped your fingers around the cuff of his sleeve to lead him out of the Mess Hall to somewhere more secrete.

Your heart pounded with humiliation; your face felt like it was on fire.

Whilst storming past the table that you usually broke your fast on, you saw an oblivious Hange sheepishly smiling. They gave you a thumbs-up, completely oblivious to the painfully-awkward situation that they had placed you in. Levi, who was tiredly sat beside them, raised an eyebrow: unsure on what the look you shared meant. He nudged the Commander to explain, and, immediately grew a smirk on his soft lips.

The double-doors both slammed as you left the Mess Hall.

Meticulously glancing at both directions of a long, narrow, corridor, you lead a confused Onyankopon into the first empty room that you could find. Whilst the bulb above you both wildly flickered, Onyankopon nervously leaned his back against the wall behind him.

"Listen," Onyankopon awkwardly joked, attempting to make light of the situation, "If you're trying to have sex with me right now, you should know that-!"

"I'm not trying to have sex with you, Onyankopon."

You slowly buried your face into the palm of your hands, unsure on how to explain the dire situation to him. Unsure on how much to confess, and, how to explain why Hange was told the lie to begin with.



"When I tell you that you're close to me, I genuinely mean it. You're one of my closest friends here," You still shamefully covered your flustered face with your hands, "And, friends know how to keep promises - right? Friends keep each other's secrets, no matter what that secret is."

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now