Onyankopon and Levi

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The tender skin of your hands was becoming raw. Groaning, you lifted a brown box from the wooden floor; Onyankopon copied your movements, lifting three in his arms with ease.

"Thank-you for helping me, Onyankopon." You winced, struggling to maintain your composure whilst you carried the heavy box in your embrace.

"These boxes are so heavy," He grunted back, carefully placing three on the floor of your bedroom, "What is in these boxes, anyway?"

"Be careful!" You winced once again, extending your arm towards him: "They're filled with decorations and furniture for my bedroom: candles, vases, stuff like that. My bedroom has been so bare since I arrived on this island, so, I decided to add some colour!"

You carefully opened one of the boxes with your index finger, delightfully beaming at the pretty decor inside.

"I see." Onyankopon nodded along, peering inside of the boxes: "As much as I like spending time with you, wouldn't Levi be a better person to ask for help with carrying these boxes?"

Your eyes widened; a shiver cascaded down each inch of your spine. Your heart swiftly stopped at the sound of the soldiers name.

"He's strong, it could have gotten the job done a lot quicker. I'm surprised that you didn't ask him first." Unsure on why you suddenly appeared so surprised, Onyankopon asked: "Or, are you both still arguing?"

Your interest peaked at his question: "What do you mean by arguing? We're not arguing."

"I'm sorry." Onyankopon bashfully excused himself, rubbing the nape of his neck with his fingers: "I just assumed that you were fighting, that's my bad. But, can you blame me? You two haven't spoken in over a month: since that night that we went out for drinks, actually."

"We barely spoke to each other, anyway." Your tone rose in offence, turning your face away from him.

Noticing your uncomfortable expression, Onyankopon extended his arm towards you; he comfortingly placed his hand against your shoulder blade. He traced his thumb in circular motions, offering you a calm smile.

"I'm sorry," He whispered whilst you began to relax into his embrace, "It's none of my business, I shouldn't have been so invasive."

"No, I'm sorry." You placed your hand on top of his, gently smiling in his direction: "You haven't done anything wrong."

It had been an entire month since you had last spoken to Levi Ackerman; you hadn't exchanged a single word, and, made minimal eye-contact. After sleeping together in your bedroom, you had suddenly become strangers.

You hadn't spoken because you knew what your superiors lips tasted like; you hadn't spoken because you had been more intimate together than you were allowed to be; you hadn't spoken to him, because you were beginning to get worried that he would distract you from your plan to escape.

"Anyway," Onyankopon snapped you back into reality, offering you a distraction from your situation with your Captain: "How have you been finding Paradis, so far?"

"It's so different from Marley," You sighed, "It's difficult to get used to, especially since everything here is so outdated compared to Marley."

"I know what you mean. They don't even have ice cream - that's crazy, right?" Onyankopon softly laughed, helping you arrange the different ornaments in your bedroom: "Have you spoken with Eren?"

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂,   levi ackerman 18+Where stories live. Discover now