Back Where it Began

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Equestria was a land of nonsense and chaos. Ponies lived in a constant state of unrest and unhappiness.

But there wasn't much they could do to fight against their current Ruler.

The draconequus, Discord. The spirit of chaos himself.

Discord was just having his usual fun, messing with the weather and the landscapes. The ground was miscolored and the houses floated, some of them were even turned upside down. The clouds were pink and rained chocolate and Ponies struggled to survive their insane home.

On a hill, in a small town, sat a throne where the draconequus resided. He watched with amusement as the ponies stumbled through his altered lands.

But, something was off. Discord frowned as he leaned on the armrest, setting his chin on his lion paw. Tormenting the ponies was fun at first, but after a few years of this, he was starting to get bored.

And lonely...

Discord shook his head and huffed. Lonely. Ha! It's not like it bothered him before, why should it now?

Suddenly, his body shook as foreign magic filled the air.

"How odd." He muttered and teleported to where the madic had came from.

He appeared in a clearing in the Everfree Forest where a pony was laying unconscious on the grass. There was a small tear in the sky above her, but it slowly sealed up and disappeared when he got closer.

The pony groaned. Golden eyes blinked open and her head lifted to look at him. "Um... Hello." She greeted nervously, sounding a bit lost.

"Hello." He drawled and eyed her appearance. She had a white coat and golden hooves to match her eyes. Her mane was a light blue that matched her tail, but the under part of her mane had a light, pastel, rainbow pattern.

What he especially noticed, was her horn.... and a pair of wings to match.

"Oh? I didn't know there was a third Alicorn." He said with a frown. His tone revealing how much he seemed to dislike them.

"Alicorn?" She wondered and tried to stand up. Her legs shook and she wobbled a bit. It was as if she had never learned to walk.

"Yes, Alicorn. As in, what you are." Disord rolled his eyes. "And what are you the Princess of, exactly?" He asked and looked at her hip... only to find nothing there.

A blank flank?

"U-um..." She started nervously. "Why do you think I'm a Princess?"

He blinked. "Because you're an Alicorn." He stated, as if it were obvious.

"And... all Alicorns are considered royalty?"

"All the ones I've seen are, yes."

"Oh." She frowned. "I don't really think I'm a princess. Well, I could be, I guess. I don't really remember much."

"Well then, we'll just have to jog your memory. Won't we?" Discord smirked. In all honesty, he didn't really care much for her lost memory. He just wanted some new entertainment. "I am Discord! Lord of Chaos and Ruler of Equestria!" He exclaimed dramatically. With a snap of his fingers, a crown appeared on his head so he could tip it to her.

The Alicorn giggled and bowed back. "It's an honor meet you, your highness." She then gave him a shy smile. "I would give you my name as well, but I'm afraid I don't know it."

Discord just shrugged. "I'll think of a name for you later. But we have more important things to do now!" With a snap of his fingers, he was back in the small town where he was before. Only this time, he had company.

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