Celestial Advice

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Sugar Bliss put on her necklace and was fixing her crown in the mirror of her bedroom when there was a knock on her door.

"Bliss? Are you ready to go?"

Sugar Bliss giggled and opened the door where Discord was stood on the other side. "Yes, my king. I'm ready."

Discord stared at her for a moment before reaching down and adjusting her crown slightly. "There we go! Beautiful as always~"

The Alicorn laughed as he picked her up and nuzzled her cheek before the two teleported away.


"Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and Discord were brave in the face of danger, resourceful when things got challenging and proved that the bonds of friendship, no matter how unlikely, are stronger thank any adversity." Twilight said to the room full of ponies and changelings. She was holding a ceremony in her castle for the heros who had saved them. "By stopping Queen Chrysalis, not only did they save Equestria, they set the changelings free from her reign."

Suddenly a copy of Discord appeared in the crowd to cheer himself on.

Starlight couldn't help but laugh.

Celestia stepped forward. "And that's why we're proud and honored to give them the Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage."

Luna used her magic and picked up the heart amulets and put them on each of them. It took a while because of Thorax's new horns but she got it on eventually.

"We are so proud of you all." Said Twilight.


With some music playing and everyone hanging out and talking and drinking punch, Twilight smiled at her pupil from across the room.

"It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?" Celestia said as she walked up to her. "Watching your studen shine the way you always knew they could."

Twilight giggled. "My cheeks are sore! I don't think I've ever smiled this much in my life!"

"I can only imagine what that feels like." Celestia teased with a wink and walked away.

Discord suddenly wrapped around Twilight and smirked at her. "Yes, Starlight is student of the year, isn't she? She has so much potential. So, what are we going to do with her? And by 'we' I definitely mean you. Being her mentor and all that, her destiny falls squarely on your haunches."

Twilight teleported out of his grip and appeared next to him. "Oh, don't you worry. I've planned enough friendship lessons to cover the next three years!" Discord suddenly started laughing and Twilight frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Clearly Starlight is beyond friendship basic friendship lessons. She just won a medal, for Equestria's sake! I thought you were joking." He paused and narrowed his eyes at her. "You are joking, right?"

Twilight laughed nervously. "Of course I was!"

"Obviously you should have a grand Master plan for her. The same way Celestia set you on a path that eventually made you a princess."

Twilight started to sweat. "Yup."

"Oh, good. I'm sure she can't wait to hear all about it!" He smirked mischievously and teleported away for a bit before coming back, now holding the light purple unicorn. He placed her down in front of Twilight and grinned.

"What's going on?" Starlight asked.

"Well, Twilight was just about to reveal her grand Master plan for you." Discord told her.

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