(Special Chapter) Children of a Tyrant

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"Come on Star! Cheese and Mac should be out by now!" Theta exclaimed in excitement as he flew through Ponyville.

Stardust panted as she ran to keep up with him. "Please, slow down." She gasped out.

The little draconequus stopped and sighed before picking up his little sister and continuing to fly.

They made it to the school just as the bell rang and the fillies started to leave. Theta quickly caught sight of his friends. A yellow earth pony with very curly, pink hair and a purple earth pony with orange curly hair.

"Cheese! Mac!"

The two fillies looked up at the sound of their names and grinned when they saw the siblings.

"Theta! Stardust! You came at the perfect time!" Cheese chirped. He suddenly rushed over to them, and waited patiently for Theta to put his sister down, before jumping on the both of them for a hug. "You know, we could meet up easier if you two just went to school with us!"

Theta tapped his chin with a hum. "I guess we could. Mama said she was thinking of sending us to Twilight's school, but I could ask her to send us here instead."

"I don't know." Stardust muttered, shifting nervously. "School sounds scary."

"It's not like you'll be going alone." Cheese told her. "Me and Little Mac will be here, and now, so will Theta!"

She hesitated. "I guess... I'll feel a bit better if you're all here."

"Don't worry, Bunny. I'll protect you!" Theta announced and hit his lion paw against his chest. "Nopony messes with the Chaos Siblings and gets away with it!"

"Speaking of Chaos, lets go pull some pranks already! I've been waiting all day!" Cheese said and ran off. Theta grinned and quickly followed him.

Mac and Stardust were quickly left by themselves. The two quiet ponies stared at each other for a moment, seemingly having a silent conversation, before nodding and walking off to Sugarcube Corner for some sweets.


"Mama, we want to go to the school in Ponyville." Theta said during dinner.

The one Cheerilee teaches at?" Sugar Bliss asked and her son nodded. "If that's what you want. I don't mind. But why the sudden change? I thought you were excited to see all the creatures at Twilight's school?"

"But, Cheese and Mac go to Cheerilee's!" Theta exclaimed. "So we want to go there and be in the same class as them."

Discord suddenly started grumbling, making Sugar Bliss giggle. "If you both want to go, then alright. I'll talk to Cheerilee to see if there's room."

"Awesome! Thanks Mama!" Theta quickly gobbled down his dinner and flew up out of his seat. "I'm done! Can I be excused?"

Sugar Bliss nodded and her son was suddenly gone with a flash. Teleporting away to his bedroom.

"Is Daddy upset?" Stardust nervously asked.

"No, my little Star." Discord cooed and nuzzled his tiny daughter. "I'm just worried about you is all."

"They're just fillies, dear." Sugar Bliss said, amused by her husband's antics. "The most you'll expect is a small school crush, at least."

"I won't allow it!" Discord announced, cuddling Stardust close to him. "I'm not blind! I know what those boys are really thinking! Convincing my sweet and innocent princess to go to their school so they can try and steal her away!"

"Calm yourself, love. They're to young for that." Sugar spoke softly. "You can threaten them when they're older."

Discord pouted.

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