Make New Friends But Keep Discord

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Discord and Sugar Bliss were over at Fluttershy's for tea and to hang out and talk.

"Oh ho! But that's not all!" Discord said, telling the pegasus a story. "When Bliss went to look for them again, they were on the ceiling!"

"I swear, those slippers are going escape someday." Sugar Bliss huffed.

Fluttershy laughed. "I've never known anypont as funny as you two." She told them as a tea cup floated over and landed in her hoof. "I love that story about the time Discord tried to train his right paw to fetch his left leg!"

Sugar Bliss giggled. "But instead, it just kept wanting get into the fridge!"

The two mares laughed while Discord just smiled and sipped his tea.

"Oh, I do love our Tuesday Teas." The pegasus said after calming down. "And I can't wait for the both of you to meet my friend, Tree Hugger."

Discord paused and looked at her. "Tree... Hugger?" He repeated the name and then laughed at it.

"I met her on a trip to see the Breezies. She's a member of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures."

Discord glared. "How nice for you." He then ate the side of his teacup.

Fluttershy didn't notice his fowl mood. "We're all going to have so much fun together at the Grand Galloping Gala!"

Discord suddenly smiled at the table between them floated up so the couch could move closer to her. "Oh! I was wondering when you were going to ask us! We'd love to!"

"Oh. Oh, no." Fluttershy frowned. "Um, I'm afraid I'm only allowed to take one other pony and I've already asked Tree Hugger. I'm sorry, you two. I assumed you both already had tickets to go." She watched as Discord got up and walked towards the door and a coat appeared on his body. "Were neither of you invited?"

"It probably just got lost in the mail. No biggie, as the foals say. Well, gotta go!"

Fluttershy held up a plate of little cakes. "But we haven't had any of our Tuesday Tea cakes."

Discord took the plate and dumped the caked into his coat. "Well, I guess we're just going to have to exclude them from our party this time." Then he teleported away.

Sugar Bliss turned to Fluttershy. " what's the Grand Galloping Gala?"


Fluttershy had to pick up Tree Huger from the train station and had asked Sugar Bliss if she wanted to come along to meet her.

So there she was, awkwardly standing in front of the green earth pony with red hair.

"Wow, your aura is all over the place." Tree Hugger drawled out. "No need to be so nervous."

"U-um. I'm...sorry?" Sugar Bliss stuttered out.

"Tree Hugger, this my friend Sugar Bliss." Fluttershy introduced them. "Sugar Bliss, this is Tree Hugger."

Tree Hugger smiled at the Alicorn. "I'm really digging the soothing colors of your hair."

Sugar Bliss fidgeted nervously at the compliment. "Thank you."

The three of them walked through Ponyville and talked.

Fluttershy giggled at something Tree Hugger said. "Oh my, you are funny."

Suddenly, Discord appeared in front of them. "I guess every being in Equestria is funny today." He sassed.

"Oh, how rude of me. Tree Hugger, this is Discord. Discord, Tree Hugger."

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