The Return of Harmony (Part 1)

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The Ponyville teacher, Miss Cheerilee, was walking her students around the Canterlot castle gardens to show them the statues.

"That one, over there, represents friendship." She told them as she pointed out a statue of three fillies playing. She looked at another one of a pony holding a flag. "This one represents victory."

"How cool would it be to have that for a cutie mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Cool." Apple Bloom drawled as she rolled her eyes. "If you actually victoryfull at something."

"That's not a word!" Said Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo just looked at her. "What are you, a dictionary?"

"Girls!" Cheerilee snapped and the three fillies rushed over to join the class. "Now this is a really interesting statue." She said, pointing at a statue of a creature with a stone unicorn, hidden under a cloak, standing behind him. "What do you notice about it?"

"It's got an eagle claw!"

"And a lion paw!"

"And a snake tail!"

"This creature is called a draconequus." Cheerilee told them. "He has the head of a pony, and a body made up of all sorts of things." She looked at her class. "What do you suppose it represents?"




Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo. "It's not chaos you Dodo!"

Scootaloo glared at her. "Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of! And it is to chaos!"

"Is not!"

"You're both wrong!" Apple Bloom said and the three started fighting.

Cheerilee shook her head in disappointment. No one noticing a faint light started to flash in the statue's chest like a heart beat. "Actually, you're both right."

The fillies stopped fighting and looked at her.

"This statue represents discord. Which means, a lack of harmony between ponies." She explained. "In fact, you three had demistrated discord so well, that you're each going to write me an essay explaining it." The three frowned and the rest of the class laughed. "Now let's go, and I don't want anymore fighting."

The three fillies continued to quietly argue as they followed their class.

Behind them, the statue cracked all along its body and deep laugh echoed out.


A bit later in the day, a group of six ponies, where called to Canterlot Castle by Princess Celestia herself.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight called out as her and her friends ran in. "We came as fast as we could! Is this about the weather? And the animals weird behavior? What's happening out there? Why isn't my magic working? What's-"

Celestia lifted a hoof and cut her off. "Follow me." The Princess led the ponies down a hallway, stained glass windows lined it, each telling a different story. "I've called you here for a matter of great importance." She explained. "It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name... is Discord."

Fluttershy looked up and saw a stained glass picture of the draconequus and ran away in fright. She hid behind Twilight as the Princess continued.

"Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable it was for earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi alike! So after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him!"

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