The Break Up Breakdown

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Big Mac watched as the timer slowly ticked down as he waited for the pie in the oven to finish baking. He groaned out in frustration at how long it taking.

"You said it, Big Mac. This is taking forever!" Spike agreed. "I know it's wrong to cut corners when it come to gifts from the heart, but this is an emergency, right?"

"Eyup." Big Mac nodded.

"Discord? A little help? Discord!" Spike called out to the empty kitchen but nothing happened.

Big Mac got an idea and whispered something to Spike who grinned at him. "Good idea!" Spike hopped up onto the stallions back. "Captain Wuzz, are you prepared to enter the world of Ogres and Oubliettes?"

Suddenly, Discord teleported into the room in his costume. "Huzzah, fellow adventures! Shall we storm the ramparts of Squizard's Castle to reclaim Calico's ring of imperceptibly?"

Big Mac and Spike glanced at each other and looked at him.

"You did summon me for a rousing Guy's Night of Ogres and Oubliettes, did you not?" The draconequus asked.

"Uh, sort of, but..." Spike pointed at the oven. "Do you think you could magically hurry-up this pie real quick first?"

Discord glared at them. "You seem to be mixing up the Lord of Chaos with a second-rate clown magician for hire."

"Wait!" Big Mac yelled out when he was about to teleport away.

"This needs to go in the mail today or it'll never get to Sugar Belle in time for Hearts and Hooves Day." Spike explained.

"Please." Discord rolled his eyes. "Can't you see that holiday is a commercialized ruse pushed on you by the greeting card industry?"

Big Mac cleared his throat to get his attention and pointed at the oven with puppy dog eyes.

Discord sighed. "Fine. You owe me for this." He snapped his fingers and the pie finished instantly and was now sitting on the table. He leaned down and smelled it. "This smells.... palatable."

"Well, pies are really are Sugar Belle's thing." Spike shrugged. "But I think this makes this all the more special. It shows you're interested in what she cares about."

"Eyup!" Big Mac agreed.

"And, he's planning a big romantic Hearts and Hooves dinner. It was my idea to bake the invitation inside."

Discord snapped and the invitation appeared in his paw, cause the pie to deflate. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Sugar Belle." He read aloud. "Meet me in my barn at sunset for a surprise."

Spike smirked. "Pretty clever, huh?"

Discord rolled his eyes again and teleported the note back into the pie. Big Mac walked up to it and wrapped in up in a package with a note to indicate Sugar Belle's name.

Discord crossed his arms. "Well, you two have certainly bought into this 'romance holiday' nonsense hook, line, and sinker."

"For a formerly-friendless immortal despot, you're pretty cynical." Spike deadpanned.

"I'm a realist!" The draconequus defended himself. "And this holiday makes no sense! Why do you need an entire holiday just to show somepony you care about them when you can literally do that any other day? This holiday is pointless."

Spike frowned. "Sugar Bliss must be pretty upset that her partner refuses to celebrate Heart and Hooves Day with her."

Discord just smirked. "Bliss doesn't even know what Hearts and Hooves Day is." Then he paused in thought. "Actually, I don't she knows any of the holidays."

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