Princess Twilight Sparkle

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Sugar Bliss stood outside the Canterlot Castle, watching as Rainbow Dash tried to teach Twilight how to fly.

Apparently, the unicorn had been turned into an Alicorn and recently had a coronation. She was now a princess of Equestria.

Sugar Bliss had been freaking out about it during the whole party. Ponies can just become Alicorns?! How?! And why did becoming one immediately turn you into a princess?

Needless to say, Sugar Bliss had asked Discord a lot of questions once they got home.

But now, the Summer Sun Celebration was coming up and Twilight had a part to play during it. So she had to learn how to fly.

"You gotta really flap 'em hard!" Said the blue Pegasus.

Twilight nodded and flapped her wings as hard as she could, but it made her spin out of control and crash into a tree.

Rainbow Dash smiled nervously. "Maybe not quite that hard."

Twilight tried to fly down. From the tree but she couldn't slow down and ended up hitting the ground.

"Looking good up there, Princess Twilight." Applejack said she helped the purple Alicorn up.

"Apple jack, you know you don't have to call me that." Twilight said.

"Why do you protest so?" Rarity asked. "You've already given up wearing your crown all the time. The least you could do is embrace your new title."

Twilight frowned. "If other ponies want to address me that way, I suppose it's fine, but not my friends. It just doesn't feel right." She sighed. "And neither does all this 'flying' business. The Summer Sun Celebration is only two days away and I'm never gonna be ready to perform for my part.

"Not if you spend all your time down here you wont!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Now get up there and show every pony the big finish!"

Twilight nodded and flew back up. She was doing well for a bit before she accidentally flew through some clouds and lost control. She flapped her wings frantically as she fell.

Sugar Bliss' horn suddently lit up and yellow magic surrounded Twilight and stopped her before she hit the ground.

Twilight stood on shaky legs and smiled at the other Alicorn. "Thanks Sugar Bliss."

Sugar Bliss just nodded. She was surprised that she actually managed to catch her.


The while Alicorn followed the girls as they walked through the castle halls. She paused when she saw a stained glass window with a picture of the girls defeating her and Discord with the Elements. She huffed and trotted away from it, catching up with the group.

"You look amazing, darling." Said Rarity as they looked at a stained glass picture of Twilight becoming an Alicorn. "They really captured your regality."

"I suppose." Twilight muttered.

"Oh, don't be so modest!" Rarity giggled. "It's every pony's dream to someday wear a crown and have their coronation ceremony preserved in stained glass for all to see!"

"I don't know if it's every pony's dream." Sugar Bliss spoke up.

"Most of my dreams are about frosting!" Pinkie Pie chirped and started to drool at the reminder.

"We'd better get going." Said Fluttershy. "We don't wanna miss our train."

"Fluttershy's right." Applejack agreed. "Don't know about y'all, but I've still got bushels to do to get ready. The official celebration may be here in Canterlot, but whoo-wee! has the Mayor put us in charge of one heck of a party back home!"

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