Protect What is His

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Sugar Bliss woke up one day feeling absolutely terrible. She was sweating despite feeling cold and her head and throat hurt and her whole body the ached.

She groaned as she sat up in her bed and looked around. Using her magic, the lights turned on and she immediately winced from the light making her headache worse.

Judging from the picture of the sun being high up on her wallpaper. And her whole room was now blue, that meant it was nearly noon in Ponyville. Which meant she slept in... and Discord should be gone already.

Sugar Bliss got out of bed and stumbled out of her room. She hesitated when she got to the upside-down stairs, which was basically just a ramp. Normally, her and Discord would fly up or down it, but she felt to weak and didn't trust herself to stay airborn.

So she took a deep breath and stepped onto the slope. The Alicorn managed to get halfway down before slipping and falling the rest of the way.

Luckily, it was just like going down a slide so she didn't get hurt. But it still made her vision blur.

blurred. Back up, Sugar Bliss staggered her way into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. She took a few big gulps before her magic finally gave up on her and the glass shattered against the hard floor.

Sugar Bliss backed away from the mess and sat down on the nice, cool floor.

This was a problem.

Discord was hanging out playing Ogres and Oubliettes with Spike and Big Mac so he was gonna be gone for a while and Fluttershy and was called by the map so she was out.

The Alicorn thought about going to Starlight, but she really didn't want to bother the unicorn. She's a grown mare after all! She can take care of her self.

But.... she's never been sick before. What do you do when you're sick? Take a bath, get lots of rest, eat soup and stay hydrated?

The Alicorn looked at the broken glass and small puddle on the floor in front of her.

With her weakened body and magic, taking care of her illness will be difficult.

Then, her face lit up. 'Medicine! You're suppose to take medicine to get better!' But... where would she get the medicine?

.... Zecora!


A flickering portal opened just outside of the Everfree Forest and Sugar Bliss quickly rushed through it before her magic gave up and the portal closed. She lied on the ground, panting, resting to get her strength back before standing back up and looking at the forest.

Now that she was there, she realized that she had no idea where the zebra actually lived. All she knew was that she lived in the forest.

Sugar Bliss just sighed and walked in. She was already there, might as well keep going.

The trees were so large and plentiful that they blocked out the sun and made the forest awfully dark. Luckily. It was still bright enough to see where she was going.

Her body felt heavy as she forced herself to keep moving. Every now and then she would rest against a tree to catch her breath but she couldn't stay for long. The Everfree was a dangerous place and she didn't want to stay in the same place for to long.

Her stomach lurched and threw up into a bush. She stood there for a moment, trying to catch her breath, before staggering forward and continuing on.

All her heavy breathing made her throat feel worse and her vision was starting to get fuzzy.

She was quickly regretting going out like this. She should have tried to sleep it off.

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