The Last Problem

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(Sorry, I can't write all the episodes of season 9. Season 9 isn't on Netflix and I didn't want to dig for them so I only did the final episode.)

It felt almost like deja vu with every pony and creature gathering at Canterlot Castle for a big event. Only this time, they were coming to celebrate the coronation of Twilight Sparkle, who would be the new ruler of Equestria.

Discord was all over the house, making sure he's packed everything they need for sitting through the event. Sugar Bliss needs to be comfortable after all!

The draconequus turned and saw his wife slowly making her way down the stairs and panicked. "Be careful!" He exclaimed and gently picked her up and put her down on the floor. "You might hurt yourself! I told you I would come get when you were ready!"

Sugar Bliss shook her head at his overprotectiveness and smiled fondly at him. "Discord, I'm pregnant, not dying. You don't have to worry so much."

He just huffed and crossed his arms. "You are carrying a very delicate package. I won't risk it!"

She just giggled and eyed the bag he had packed. "Are we ready to go?"

"I think so. I've packed blankets and pillows and various drinks and snacks incase you get cravings and-"

"Discord," She cut him off. "I think you're forgetting something important."

"I have?!" He suddenly looked worried. "What have I forgotten?!"

"Your magic, my love." She said. "If we need anything, you can just make it appear. We don't need to pack all this stuff."

Discord paused and looked at the bag before blushing a bit in embarrassment. "Ah... right. Minor hiccup..." He snapped his fingers and the bag dissappear while Sugar Bliss just laughed.

She then hissed a bit and gently rubbed her swollen belly.

"What wrong?" Discord quickly asked and leaned down to look her over. "Are you hurt? Is it the baby?"

"He kicked me a bit." She smiled. "He must be excited to go to the coronation."

Discord stood up with a grin. "Well, we better hurry then! It's almost starting!"


When they made it to Canterlot Castle, every pony and creature were already there. Either sitting at the table outside, below the balcony, or hovering the air.

"Oh, there they are! Sugar! Over here!"

Sugar Bliss looked in the direction the call came from and saw Cadence and Shining Armor at one of the tables with little Flurry Heart in Cadence's arms. The white Alicorn walked over to them while Discord fretted the whole way there. Making sure no pony accidentally bumped into her.

"Cadence! It's good to see you again!" Sugar Bliss grinned and hugged the pink Alicorn.

Cadence hugged her back. "It's good to see you too! How is he?" She asked as she looked at her stomach.

Sugar Bliss sighed and sat down. "Full of energy, as always. He's gonna be just like his father and I'm going to be permanently exhausted."

Discord smiled for a moment before frowning. Unable to tell if that was a compliment or an insult.

"I know the feeling." Cadence cooed as she nuzzled Flurry Heart who squirmed and giggled in her arms.

The sound of trumpets sounded and every creature cheered as the royal sisters stepped out onto the balcony. "Citizens of Equestria and beyond," Celestia announced. "My sister and I have ruled this land for quite some time, but even we know that change eventually comes to us all. And though we know it can be unsettling, it's as natural as the rising and setting of the sun and the moon. Both of which my sister and I feel confident leaving in the hooves of a pony we have watched grow as a Princess. And so, without further ado, I give you new ruler of Equestria! Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

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