To Where and Back Again (Part 2)

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Discord stared at the Changeling hive. "Oh, this is so strange. We're here and that's there and I clearly meant for us to be there and not here."

"Oh, I can probably explained that." Said Thorax but Discord ignored him.

Oh well, if at first you don't succeed." He went to snap again but Starlight use her magic to stop him.

"Maybe we should come up with a plan first?" She asked.

Discord blew her magic away. "A what?"

"You know, figuring out the best way to do something before you actually do it?" Trixie sassed.

He just laughed. "Oh, that's adorable. But, you see, unlike you I can do anything."

"Actually-" Thorax tried to speak again but the draconequus stopped him.

"That's all very nice but really a waist of time. We have me. And what else could we possibly need?"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "A draconequus with magic and half a brain might help."

Discord glared at her. "Why are you here again? I mean, it's not like you're going to stop the changelings by pulling a rabbit out of a hat." He then took her hat and pulled out another Trixie. "At least my magic can do something."

"The thing about magic here is-" Poor Thorax was cut off again.

"Like this!" Discord snapped his fingers and he was suddenly dressed in armor, jousting on a flying pig. "For Sugar Bliss!" He went to fly off but the pig and armor suddenly disappeared. He stood up and made another flying pig and sent it off on its own, but that one also disappeared.

"I've been trying to tell you!" Thorax spoke up. "Nothing other than Changeling magic works here! Chrysalis' throne is carved from an ancient dark stone that soaks up magic the same way changelings soak up love. It's how she keeps the hive safe."

Starlight lit her horn up and walked forward she frowned when the magic was pulled away.

"So... what kind of plan were you thinking?" Trixie asked.

"Without magic I have no idea." She said. "But no pony else is coming, so somepony better come up with something. Anypony?" The other three glanced at each other but no one spoke up. "Anything?" She sighed. "This throne. If we get into the hive and destroy it, can we get our magic back?"

Thorax nodded. "Uh huh."

"Well, that's a terrible plan." Said Discord. "How are we even suppose to get to the hive?"

"We walk?" Trixie stated like it was obvious as she followed after Thorax and Starlight who already started to head out.

Discord visibly shook in distress. "I haven't walked that far in a millennia!"

The others groaned.


They were almost there when Discord started complaining. "I don't know how any of you manage not being able to disappear and reappear whenever you want!"

"Well, I for one, definitely miss you being able to disappear." Trixie sassed.

"Give Discord a break." Starlight tried to calm them. "None of us knew we weren't going to be able to use magic."

"I did." Said Thorax.

"If we get separated, it might make sense to have a way to make sure we are who we say we are."

Discord grinned. "Ooh, like a secret code. How about if I say 'we are' and you say 'doomed'?" He started to pace. "Or you say 'rescue' and I say 'I'm-" He suddenly tripped over a rock and face-planted the ground.

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