To Where and Back Again (Part 1)

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Starlight had gotten a letter from the ponies of her old village, inviting her to the annual sunset festival.

She wasn't very excited about it.

That night, she had a nightmare where she goes to her old village but the ponies still hated her for what she did. But then they disappeared and fog rolled in.

Starlight turned and saw the Princess of the night walk up to her. "Princess Luna? What are you doing here?"

Luna just smiled. "Dreams are my domain, Starlight Glimmer. I am here because you need me to be."

The unicorn let out a sigh of relief. "Oh! It's only a dream."

"It may only be a dream, but the feelings in it are real."

"Great." She muttered. "So I guess I'm more afraid of going back to the village than I though. What do I do now?"

"I have been helped time and time again by six very special ponies. They help me overcome my past." Luna said and put a hoof on her shoulder. "You are fortunate to have them as friends. I suggest you share your concerns with them." She started to walk away but paused and looked back. "I see much of myself in you, Starlight Glimmer, and I can tell you from personal experience that things do indeed get better."

Starlight had a fond smile. "That almost sounds like what Sugar Bliss told me. She said that I shouldn't let a bad history stop me from trying to be better."

"And she's right." Luna nodded. "Sugar Bliss is a dear friend to me. She can be for you too if you let her."


The next day, Twilight's and her friends all sat in their thrones around the table as Starlight told them about what happened. Sugar Bliss stood next to where Fluttershy sat so she could listen as well.

"And Princess Luna said I should tell you all how I was feeling. So, there it is." Starlight said. "I'm afraid to go back to the village for the celebration."

"But why, darling?" Asked Rarity. "You went back to apologize; they accepted. Everypony has moved on."

"But have they? They don't really know how much I've changed. Or even worse, maybe I haven't changed as much as I think I have!"

"Trust me. You are a totally different pony now." Said Rainbow Dash. "I mean, you were pretty awful."

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack scolded her.

"What? She was! It's a compliment!"

Fluttershy turned to the lavender unicorn. "I don't think they would have sent the invitation if they didn't want you to come. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you."

Pinkie suddenly slammed the table. "And getting an invitation to a party and NOT GOING?! That's like... it's like..." She paused. "Well, I don't know what it's like, but it is definitely bad."

"Just be honest with them." Applejack told her. "I'm sure they'll understand where you're comin' from."

Sugar Bliss hummed and walked towards her new friend. Starlight looked uneasy when the slightly taller Alicorn walked up to her. "Starlight Glimmer." Sugar Bliss spoke, and the unicorn suddenly felt like she was gonna get scolded for something. "Do you remember what I told you? When you were worried about seeing Sunburst again?"

Starlight thought for a moment. "That... even if things don't work out, it's good to know that I at least tried. Rather then not try and wonder what could have been."

Sugar Bliss nodded. "It's okay to feel worried about it, but if you worry to much then you'll only end up missing out on all the good things."

Starlight stiffened up when the Alicorn pulled her in for hug, but she quickly relaxed and hugged her back.

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