Chapter 1

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"Back when the the first settlers arrived on this continent, they were surprised to see that the land was filled with many mythical creatures, such as Pegasi, wyverns and even dragons. Our ancestors were quick to settle in this new land and took advantage of its rich resources, but when night fell they soon realized why no one else wanted to live here. At night millions of mobs would come out from hiding and attacked everyone. Just when it seemed that they would be wiped out, 4 warriors suddenly appeared.

Mirth the sage, Ragnor the swordsman, Valor an axe wielding warrior, and an female archer name Jasmire. These warriors wielded the power of four special stones that had the ability to drive the mobs away, and give special skills to its wielder. Afterwards they became the first rulers of the this continent, which is why the four kingdoms of Kiris are named after them."

4 year old Tommy leaned forward in his seat completely invested in his mother's story. His best friend Tubbo, who was about the same age, sat besides him equally interested. They never got bored of the story no matter how many times they heard it.

"The special stones that they used are now referred to as the Emblems, and are currently being kept in shrines with the highest security."

"Mum? If the emblems have the power to drive mobs away, then why do we still see mobs from time to time?" Tommy asked.

"That's because the continent is quite large. The emblems don't have a a big enough range to completely cover the nation, but at least there aren't as many mobs as there are suppose to be." She explained.

Tubbo then let out a yawn, and she smiled at him. "I think that's enough for the night. Run home now Tubbo, I'm sure your parents must be worried about you."

Tubbo nodded, and after saying his goodbyes Tommy went to bed. She kissed him on the forehead and said goodnight, before leaving to join her husband in the living room.

Tommy was lost in his dreams of the warriors and their adventures, when he was awaken by a loud noise. He peaked out of his bedroom window and his jaw fell open in shock.

In the middle of their village was a large red dragon. The dragon opened it mouth and set fire to a few houses. Tommy quickly ran out into the living room to see his father and mother grabbing a few supplies, and placing them in separate bags. His father quickly motioned him to grab a few bags, then instructed him to go hide out in the forest nearby.

He quickly obeyed, and from the forest he could see the havoc the dragon was causing. He felt his heart stop and tears fall from his eyes, when he saw the dragon burn down his house. He tried his best to convince himself that his parents were fine, but then suddenly he remembered his friend. Tommy dropped the bags he was carrying, and quickly headed back into the village to find Tubbo.

When he reached the village he found it swarming with mobs, several of the villagers were trying their best to fight off the skeletons and zombies, but it was hard with the dragon around.

He found Tubbo trapped under the support beams of his now crushed house. "Hang on Tubbo!" He yelled as he quickly made his way towards his friend. He tried to lift the beam but it was too heavy for a 4 year old.

"Tommy! Just go! Run away from here!" Tubbo cried.

"No I'm not leaving you!" Tommy yelled, as he tried once again to lift the beam.

"Tommy look out!" Tubbo cried.

Tommy turned around to see the dragon staring straight at him. The dragon opened its mouth and Tommy could see the fire starting to form in it.

We are so dead, Tommy reached for Tubbo's hand, and used his body to block his friend's view from their impending doom.

"Don't worry Tubbo, I won't leave you." Tommy said in the best comforting tone he could muster.

"Tommy," Tubbo sobbed, "You're the best friend I've ever had."

The duo closed their eyes as the waited for the fire ball to engulf them.

It never came, Tommy opened his eyes to see a hooded mage casting a barrier around them, saving them from the fire, followed by two men slicing off the dragon's head. He looked around the village to see the mobs being killed by another mage, an axe wielder, a thief, an assassin and surprisingly a wyvern rider. He had heard of wyvern riders and pegasus knights before, but this was the first time seeing one. He also noticed how each one of them were wearing hoods and masks.

Magical vines suddenly sprouted out of nowhere and lifted the beam off Tubbo, who immediately reached up to hug Tommy.

"You appear to be injured," the mage that saved them from the dragon said. He pointed to Tubbo's leg that had several deep cuts that were bleeding out fast.

"Allow me to help," the mage offered as he cast a healing spell. The two boys watched in amazement as the injury soon closed and the blood disappeared.

"Thank you sir," Tubbo said.

The mage reached out and ruffled the boy's hair, "I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner."

Just then the assassin walked up to them, "they're moving faster than expected, we have to go now." he said.

The mage gave his comrade a nod before say goodbye to the boys, and disappearing into the forest.

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