Chapter 29

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Wilbur let out a sigh as he adjusted his cape, he looked into the mirror and frowned at his very fancy and regal looking attire. I'm pretty sure that I don't need to wear this, I mean Dream never did.

"How's my new commander doing?" Techno spoke up from behind him.

"Do I need to wear this? I never saw Dream wear anything this fancy when he was your commander." Wilbur complained.

"Nah, that outfit is only for special occasions, like today. I am presenting you to the public as Ragnor's new commander after all." Techno explained.

Wilbur let out a sigh, "Fine, let's just get this over with."

The ceremony was boring, but Wilbur managed to get through it without falling asleep. Once it was done he changed out of his attire to more comfortable clothes, then went to find Niki. He spotted her at the small reception party that followed the ceremony. She was dressed in a simple but elegant dress, and smiled brightly when she saw him.

"I rather liked your regal attire," she teased, making him chuckle.

""If you knew how uncomfortable it was you would not have said that." he stated, then scanned the crowed for a bit, "Now where is my son?" he asked.

"Saying his goodbyes to the Valor gang, they are leaving today after all."

He nodded, "let's go say our goodbyes as well."

They walked to the entrance of the palace, where a tearful Fundy was saying goodbye to an equally tearful Eret and Philza. Techno stood by the boy's side as stoic as ever, and quickly motioned for Wilbur and Niki to join them.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, and I know that you're gonna make a great general." Fundy told Eret as they hugged.

Eret nodded, "You get to keep your wyvern though, so you have no excuse for not visiting every once in a while." he said trying to smile.

Fundy let out a small laugh, and with one last round of hugs he watched as they disappeared into the skies.

Fundy ran into Wilbur's arms for comfort, and and his father quickly wrapped him in a warm embrace. Wilbur gave him a little peck on the forehead, and Fundy looked up to give him and Niki a genuine smile.

"Come now, we have someone else we need to see off today." Wilbur said.

Fundy nodded, and the trio waved to Techno as they left for the guild. Wilbur had picked the new master of the guild, since he and Fundy were moving into the palace. Niki would be joining them there as well, since Techno appointed her as a Royal healer.

Right outside of the guild was a parked wagon. Tommy and Tubbo were carefully loading their stuff, and a bunch of gifts that Techno gave them into it.

Fundy ran over to them and the trio shared a group hug, "We're gonna miss you guys so much."

"You know that you can stay with us in the palace, right?" Wilbur stated.

"Thanks Wil, but the village is our home, and we have a bunch of things to teach the other children when we reach there."

Wilbur nodded, though there were tears forming in his eyes, "Send my regards to Jschlatt and Quackity." The boys promised to do so before they were squeezed by a crying Niki.

"Be safe and don't get lost." She told them, they nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll be back every year for the group's reunion." the duo promised.

The party had promised to meet up every year when the annual meeting of the four rulers happened, and with that the duo drove off back to their village, while Wilbur, Niki, and Fundy continued to wave until they were out of sight.

Fundy let out a sigh to ease the pain in his heart, he was gonna miss everyone. Wilbur took one of his hands and Niki gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. The trio then made their way back to the palace, smiling the entire way.


Mirth took in a deep breath as she stepped out of her tent to survey the tribe. In the distance was a small but well designed village. Mirth had finally decided to establish a kingdom, though they would start small for now.

In the distance she could see Sapnap and Karl carrying some lumber to build more houses for their tribe. When the couple had placed their load on the ground, Sapnap stole a kiss from his boyfriend, causing Karl to blush red.

Mirth giggled as Karl started pounding on Sapnap's chest with his fist, calling him an idiot which made the fire mage laugh, and lovingly place another kiss on his partner's forehead.

A gust of wind blew by and Mirth turned her attention to the skies. She smiled when she saw a blue and a green dragon soaring through the sky side by side. As they flew further into the distance, Mirth stepped forward to help out her tribe in whatever way she can.


"Well, it's good to see that you are no longer afraid of heights," George said smugly as he and Dream flew through the sky in their dragon form.

"It's not so scary when you're in control," Dream responded. George giggled and sped up, Dream flew faster as well longing to be closer to his boyfriend.

Meanwhile Eret was still a bit tearful from his goodbyes, and Philza was trying to cheer him up as they rode their wyverns back to Valor. Philza's concerned face suddenly broke into a smile, and Eret turned to see what the king was looking at. He was meet with a surprising view of Dream and George flying near them. This made the young mage smile and wave at them before the two dragons disappeared from view.

The dragon pair then went on their way to fly over the palace of Ragnor. Fundy, Wilbur, Niki, and Techno shouted out and waved at them as they flew by, and they roared their response.

The dragons also passed over Tommy and Tubbo, who excitedly called out to them. The dragon pair then flew to their final stop, which was Jasmire's palace. Skeppy and Bad were quick to notice them, and they waved at the couple as Dream and George circled the palace once before heading back home to Mirth.

This adventure had brought them all together, and for the rest of their lives they never stopped telling people about their quest for the emblems.

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