Chapter 13

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Karl tugged on Sapnap's shirt, "Lady Myra will not be pleased if the young master gets hurt."

"We can get Niki to heal them up later, or let George heal themselves." He answered.

"Are you sure about this Sap? Things seem to be getting quite heated." Wilbur pointed out.

By now George and Dream were rolling around on the ship's deck. George would be on top and yell something, then Dream would flip them over and do the same thing. The situation just kept on repeating, and it was getting ridiculous.

"They need to get some steam out of their systems," Sapnap replied.


"Would you stop being to stubborn and just eat it!" Dream yelled.

George had had enough, "Fine then!" he yelled as he bit into the loaf.

Dream, exhausted, let out a sigh and fell to the wooden deck besides George. They just laid there for a moment, George munching on the bread and Dream covering his face with his arm.

Dream's shoulders started shaking as a soft laugh escaped his lips, which turned into a full blown wheeze, George looked over to him with concern.

Did he finally snap? George thought. After Dream's laughter died down he opened his mouth to speak.

"Did we really just fight over a piece of bread?" Dream asked.

"It isn't the stupidest thing that we fought over." George responded.

Dream and George then looked over at each other, the blonde's eyes kept fluttering down to George's lips, causing the latter to blush.

He looks so cute, I wish I could wake up each morning to this sight- okay what am I thinking? Dream thought as he quickly sat up.

The position they were in, was making his mind wonder to forbidden things. He turned to see George still laying on the deck looking up at him, cheeks dusted with a tinge of pink, and some emotion that Dream couldn't decipher twinkling in his eyes.

Dream cleared his throat and turned away, "Look, I know that we have our differences," he started as George slowly sat up, "but I think it's best we put them aside for now, for the sake of this quest. After that you can head back to Mirth and I'll stay in Ragnor, then we can continue on with the lives that we've been living for the past 10 years."

Since his head was turned away he didn't see the look of hurt that crossed George's face. George got up and dusted himself off, "Very well then." He answered as he wielded his magic once again to power the sails, Dream soon got up and walked away.

The rest of the group behind the crates let out sighs of relief.

"For a second there, I was worried that they might just blow up the ship with their fight." Tommy stated.

Up above them, they saw Fundy's wyvern circle and land back on the ship's deck.

"It's just up ahead," He announced.

Tommy and Tubbo quickly ran to the ledge of the ship and leaned over to get a good look. The two boys had their mouths open in awe at the amazing structure. Behind them, Niki was warning them to get back before they fell over, but it fell on deaf ears. So Wilbur walked over to the boys. hoping to get their attention.

The rest of the group gasped as Wilbur suddenly pulled the boys back, and a beam of some sort shot up from where the boys were standing. The beam damaged the ship a bit but not enough to be too worried about. The two boys were clearly shaken from the experience, but Wilbur was quick to pull them into a hug and comfort them.

Fundy was watching the whole scene from the side, and he cursed himself when he felt his heart ache. Meanwhile George, who noticed that they were under attack, quickly directed the ship away.

"What the muffin was that?" Bad exclaimed.

The group carefully peered over the edge to see some sort of robotic fish. The group got ready for them to attack but surprisingly the fish didn't go after them, instead they merely returned back to the ocean monument and circled around it.

"They're Guardians, Mum used to tell me about them in her bedtime stories," George explained after he got a good look.

"Did she also mention on how to beat them?" Skeppy asked as he eyed the monument nervously.

"No, but she did mention that they shoot beams from far away, and have thorns that hurt you when you hit them as a defensive system." George replied surprisingly calm.

"Okay then, do you have a plan?" Sapnap asked.

George smiled at the group, "As a matter of fact I do, but you and Karl will have to stay up here."

The pair looked over at him with worry, "There is no way that we are letting you go down there alone. Your mother would kill us if anything happened to you." Karl said.

"I am not going alone, the rest of the group are free to join me, only you two will be staying behind." George answered.

"But why?" Sapnap whined.

"One, because you are a fire mage and we are going underwater," George pointed out to Sapnap, he then turned to Karl, "two, your arrows will be slowed down by the water and probably wouldn't do much damage."

The two hung their heads in defeat, George walked up to the both of them, and place a hand on each of their shoulders. "Don't worry, you guys can help out another time, but for now..." George trailed off as he turned his attention to Tubbo. "I'm gonna need your help."

Everyone's eyes fell on the young boy, as Tubbo looked up at a smiling George with confusion.

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