Chapter 5

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That very same morning Tubbo was in the training yard, and though it was still early he was already tired. He had been trying to do the multi-target spell but was still failing. He knew that the spell could help them a lot in the tournament happening soon. Why can't I do it? Is it just not possible?

"Trying to hit multiple targets?" A voice asked from behind him.

Tubbo turned to see two mages standing behind him. One had black hair and the other had brown.

"It's much better if you had an actual target instead of imagining it." The brown haired mage spoke as he bent down to pick up 5 rocks. He then placed them in a large circle around Tubbo. "Just relax, focus on one target at a time, and when you feel the lightning charge up, release it."

Tubbo nodded and focused on one rock first, he could feel the sparks of electricity growing in his hands as he turned his attention to another rock. As he slowly continued to focus on each rock at a time, he could feel the electricity become stronger. When he finally reached the fifth rock he let out his magic, and hit all five targets at the same time.

Unfortunately the blast was too much and Tubbo was sent flying off his feet. He closed his eyes waiting for his body to hit the ground, but instead he found himself safe in the arms of the black haired mage. A protective barrier that shielded them from the flying rubble was cast by the brunette mage.

"Great job!" The black haired mage complimented. "Though next time, you might want to adjust your lighting's output." The mage then placed the boy back on the ground.

"Pogchamp!" Tommy's voice cut through the silence, as he ran to Tubbo with arms wide open. When he reached his friend, Tommy wrapped him in a tight hug, which the brunette returned.

"I knew you could do it!" He yelled.

Tubbo grinned, "It's all thanks to ...uhm," he trailed off asking for the mages' names.

"Oh right I'm-"

"George!" Wilbur yelled walking forward to wrap the mage in a hug.

"It is so good to see you Wil," George replied. They broke away from the embrace as Wilbur went to hug Sapnap.

"Sapnap, I'm glad to see that you're doing well."

"You too Wilbur."

Niki then approached the group, "Ah, this is my guild's best cleric, NIki. Niki this is Sapnap and George, some of my very close friends." Wilbur introduced.

Niki exchanged handshakes and smiles with the two mages, "We were worried when we heard a loud bang, so we came out to investigate." she explained.

"Oh about that, look Niki," Tubbo said, pointing excitedly to the charred marks on the ground where the rocks used to be. "George taught me how to do a multi-target spell."

"I'm so proud of you Tubbo!" Niki exclaimed. "It will surely come in handy with the tournament today."

"Tournament?" Sapnap asked in a confuse tone.

"It's the second to last event of the festival, the winners are to be presented their prizes by the king himself before the surprise event starts." Wilbur explained.

"Hmm sounds interesting, I would like to see you two in action." George said. "Would you like me to give you guys a few tips before the event starts?"

"That depends, how good are you with an axe?" Tommy asked.

George smiled at the blonde boy, "I'd say that I'm pretty good," he said as he grabbed a spare axe from a box nearby.


Myra let out a deep breath before she stepped into the meeting room. She told Karl to enjoy the festivities but the archer refused, insisting that he accompany her to the palace. He would have to wait outside the room though.

There was only one person waiting inside the meeting the room, who Myra recognized as the king of Ragnor, Technoblade. The boy had taken over after his father died of sickness. Despite being young, the boy was actually a very good ruler.

"Ah Queen Myra of Mirth, please take a seat."

Myra cringed, "I would prefer if you didn't use that title, I am no queen after all."

"Forgive me, would Lady Myra do?" he asked.

She nodded, "I have quite a lot to share with you, your majesty," she said.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that will have to wait till everyone arrives."

"They are approaching the palace gates as we speak." Myra informed.

"Your ability to perceive the future has never been wrong my Lady, shall we go welcome them?"

Myra nodded and they both waited in front of the castle for the other two rulers. Queen Vivian of Jasmire was the first to arrive.

"Welcome Queen Vivian, where is your brother?" Techno asked.

"He's probably running around the city with his bodyguard right now. Don't worry, he said he'd be there for the surprise event."

"Now all we have to do is wait for the King of Valor." Techno informed.

"King Philza is already here my Lord," Myra said with her eyes closed.

"I don't see him." Queen Vivian stated.

Myra smiled then looked up to the sky, the other two followed her gaze only to see a wyvern dive down and land in the courtyard.

A man with green robes jumped off of the wyvern and walked up to them.

"Phil, it is good to see you." Techno said shaking his friend's hand. "Did you really have to ride that thing all the way here?" he asked, as he glanced over at the wyvern that was calmly sitting in the courtyard.

"Forgive me, but unlike Jasmire that is all desert and savannas, and Mirth and Ragnor that are plains and forests, Valor is filled with valleys and mountain ranges that make it difficult to navigate. Which is why my people use Pegasi and Wyverns to travel." Philza explained.

The four rulers headed back into the meeting room, once they were all seated Techno cleared his throat, "Now that we're all here, Lady Myra will you please tell us what you saw in your vision."

Myra nodded then opened her mouth to speak.

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