Chapter 8

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"George is our main issue," Techno stated.

"We have no chance of winning if he stays in the ring, so we should target him first. It'll take all four of us to take him down, and we need to get closer to him." Philza added.

"Let's pair up and pretend that we're gonna 2v1 them, then when we get close enough we can all attack George." Skeppy suggested. The other two agreed but they noticed that Dream wasn't listening, in fact he was staring at the other team, specifically at George.

Techno snapped his fingers in front of Dream's face. "Okay we get that you love him, but try to stay focus here."

Philza face palmed and Skeppy cringed, while Dream shot Techno a death glare. Techno was unaffected however since he went right back to talking about the plan.

"Me and Philza will team up and attack Wilbur, Skeppy and Dream, you guys get Bad. Then when I give the signal we'll rush George."

Queen Vivian then announced that the fight was about to start, and both teams took their positions.

"All teams ready?" the announcer asked. After getting confirmation from both team he raised his hand, "And begin!"

Techno's team immediately dodged as balls of fire and icicles rained down on where they were previously standing. They look up to see Sapnap and George watching their every move. With a swift movement of George's hands the ice shards came to life, and started following Techno and his team around like missiles locked on to their target. Using their weapons they destroyed the ice shards, slowly inching closer and closer to George.

Philza and Techno swung their sword and lance at Wilbur, who quickly blocked them with his own lance. Wilbur gritted his teeth as he maneuvered his weapon to deflect their attacks. The two were caught off guard when Wilbur suddenly flashed them a smirk, and Sapnap appeared right behind them with another fire ball. The pair managed to get away with only a few slight burns.

"I've been waiting for this moment since the day we met Techno," Sapnap said with a bit of malice in his tone. His palms were engulfed by flames as he charged towards Techno. Philza tried to go help his friend but was stopped by Wilbur.

"Where do you think your going?" Wilbur asked in a playful manner. "It's been a while since we sparred, I believe our score was 34 to 35 in my favor right?"

"I believe it was the other way around," Philza responded with a smile.

"Let's settle who the best lancer in the Emblem knights is, once and for all." Wilbur suggested as he swung his weapon at Philza.

Meanwhile Dream was keeping a close eye on them as he assisted Skeppy with Bad.

"Oh my goodness just die already!" Bad said as he struggled to block their attacks with his daggers.

"You want me to die?" Skeppy asked in a sad tone, his face conforming into a pout as his eyes starting to get watery.

"No Skeppy I didn't mean it like that," Bad said as the two stopped attacking each other.

Skeppy had curdled up into a ball murmuring stuff like, 'do you hate me?' and 'I thought we were best friends' over and over again. Bad whispered reassuring words to Skeppy as he rubbed his friend's back.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dream saw George preparing to fire a spell at Techno and Philza. The two kings seemed too focused on their battles to hear him should he try to warn them. So without thinking, he immediately charged at George, causing the latter to stop midway through the spell and place up a barrier around him.

The force of Dream's axe hitting George's barrier was so strong that it caused Dream to be blown away by the blast. He managed to land on his feet though and stared intensely at George, who returned his glare.

The others had stopped their own battles to watch the two interact, and you could feel the tension in the arena. Suddenly George fired a spell at the ground causing ice to shoot out from it and head towards Dream, who narrowly dodged the attack. Dream soon found himself surrounded by black balls that suddenly rushed toward him at a rapid pace. The blonde yelled in pain as he was hit with a barrage of attacks.

"Anima and now dark magic, this ladies and gentlemen is the power of a Great Sage!" The announcer said as the crowd cheered.

Dream felt anger build in him when he heard that, and wasted no time at slicing through each magic ball then charging once again at George. The sage suddenly casted a spell of bright light, momentarily blinding everyone.

When everyone's vision returned, the crowd gasped as they saw Techno being pinned to the ground by Sapnap, Wilbur's lance pressed up on Philza's chest, Bad's dagger on Skeppy's neck, and Dream's axe now in George's hands, as the latter straddled the blonde on the ground. George lowered the axe and rested it right above Dream's neck.

"It's over." He stated and the arena shook with the loud cheers of the crowd.

George got off Dream and walked over to his team, who were having a little victory dance at the side. Techno walked over to helped Dream up, "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Dream responded still a little dazed from what just happened.

When the light blinded him, he had felt George grab and pin him to the ground, but didn't fight it. He couldn't help the tingling sensation he felt when George roughly pulled him. Then when his vision returned and he found George on top of him, his face heated up. He hoped that he didn't blush too much, but if he did George probably hadn't notice. He had to admit, seeing George on top of him and looking at him with such an aggressive stare was stirring up some feelings in-

Wait. No. Bad Dream, he scolded as he mentally face palmed. You're no longer a teenager Dream, keep your hormones in check, he reminded himself. He was so lost in his thoughts so he didn't notice that Techno was already back on stage, until he heard everyone go silent.

"You have seen for yourselves the immense power that these individuals have, and just like 10 years ago these men shall be the heroes of Kiris once again." Mummers and whispers where going around the arena, and the rest of the group, except Philza, looked at him in confusion.

"Lady Myra of Mirth," Techno said as he gestured towards George's mother, "has had a vision that new emblems have been formed."

The crowd gasped in surprise and Techno continued. "As you know the emblems have the power to keep mobs away, so it is crucial that we get these new ones before they fall into the wrong hands. Which brings us back to the Emblem knights..." Techno glanced over at them before he continued.

"The rulers of Kiris have decided to send these warriors on a quest to find the emblems, and save us from the mobs." He then motioned to Philza to join him on stage before he continuing.

"Now I know you are all worried about the impending war with the Lynix empire, but rest assured that our armies will protect you, and if that isn't enough, King Philza of Valor and I shall stay behind to lead our armies into battle."

Myra glance over to her son to see his and Sapnap's face turn red in rage. This will not end well.

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