Chapter 12

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"So you were the guy that healed my leg!" Tubbo exclaimed happily to George.

The two boys were retelling the story of how they were saved 10 years ago to Niki, Wilbur, George, Sapnap, and Karl.

"I can't believe that I didn't recognize you at first, but in my defense it has been 10 years." George responded.

Sapnap snickered, "No George, you are just terrible at remembering faces and names." George punched the raven head's arm in retaliation, causing the group to laugh.

"Oh shut up, you didn't recognize them as well," the brunette stated.

"I didn't meet them that night remember," Sapnap pointed out. "I was probably too busy taking care of the mobs, while you guys were taking your sweet time with the dragon or being lazy."

Sapnap beamed when he saw Karl looking at him with admiration. This didn't go unnoticed by Wilbur and George who shared a look and came to a silent agreement.

"Oh really mister 'I don't wanna get up today it's too cold'," Wilbur stated, imitating Sapnap's voice in a mocking tone, and smiling when Sapnap's face turned pink.

George decided that it was his turn to join in,"Georgie you take care of the dragon okay? Because I hurt my elbow," He said using the same mocking tone that Wilbur used.

"Hey I really did hurt my elbow that time!" Sapnap responded.

His face got increasingly redder as Wilbur and George kept on bring up embarrassing memories, causing the others to laugh. Karl, being the kind soul that he was, kept on telling Sapnap that it didn't change the fact that he was still cool. Sapnap smiled sheepishly at the comment, which Wilbur and George were quick to tease him about.

Dream watched them from afar, a stabbing pain attacked his heart each time that George smiled or laugh. He was holding back the urge to just walk up to the brunette, and drag him somewhere private so they could talk.

" are making it so obvious that you still like him," Skeppy claimed as he came up from behind, and placed an arm around Dream's shoulder.

"Just go over there and talk to him," Skeppy added.

"It's not that easy," Dream answered.

"Sure it is, let me go and get him," Dream tried to stop him, but Bad reached Skeppy first.

"Let them sort this out on their own Skeppy." Bad reasoned.

"Bad, nothing is gonna happen between them if we don't help them out." Skeppy argued.

Before Bad could answer, strong winds suddenly rushed past them. The group looked up to see Fundy land his wyvern before he and Eret jumped down.

"We found it!"


The party was soon on the ship that Techno had provided for them, and headed to the location of the ocean monument. Fundy was on his wyvern showing them the way, while George was using a wind spell to power the sails. The rest of the party decided to dig into their supplies for lunch.

Dream kept glancing over at George who was trying to focus on the spell. Sapnap saw this and with a sigh, he handed the blonde a loaf of bread.

Dream stared at the bread for a minute before looking up at Sapnap in confusion. "I've already eaten," he said.

"It's not for you idiot," Sapnap answered with an annoyed tone. "It's for George."

Now Dream was even more confused, "Why don't you give it to him yourself?"

"Because I'm in a very comfortable position right now," Sapnap stated smugly, as he draped an arm around Karl who was sitting besides him, making the boy blush and stare at the ground.

"We can do it!" Tommy and Tubbo offered.

Dream quickly snatched the bread out of Sapnap's hands, while Wibur and Niki held the two boys back. Sapnap shot Dream a smirk, which the blonde responded to with a death glare before stomping away. Sapnap removed his arm from around Karl, failing to notice the latter's disappointed look, and let out a sigh.

"Sorry about that Karl, I needed an excuse to get him to do it." Sapnap apologized.

"It's okay," Karl answered, trying to hide the disappointment in his tone.

"I don't get it though, I thought you wanted those two to stay away from each other." Wilbur said.

"Trust me, If it were up to me I would rather have them not talk to each other for a while, but right now we need this party to be in top condition. Which it will never be, if those two don't start working together." Sapnap explained.

The rest of the emblem knights nodded their heads in agreement.

"Hey Sap," Skeppy called, catching the group's attention. "What exactly happened 10 years ago? You and George just started acting distant after we confronted the sorcerer. " He asked.

Sapnap's body tensed up as every eye fell on him, "I guess war just changes people," he replied as he bit into his bread to avoid answering anymore questions.

Meanwhile Dream was standing frozen a few meters away from George. He tried to speak but his voice wouldn't come out. He mentally slapped himself for allowing Sapnap to manipulate him into doing this.

"It's rude to stare," George stated without turning around.

Get a grip man, Dream told himself as he walked towards George.

George just kept his gaze to the sails as he focused on the spell.

"Sapnap wants you to eat," Dream said as he handed over the bread.

Instead of taking the bread George merely scoffed, "I never thought that Sapnap could make you run an errand for him."

George turned his head slightly to take in Dream's reddening face. Whether it was due to anger or embarrassment George didn't care, he was proud of himself for being able to get on Dream's nerves.

Dream let out a deep breath to calm himself then poked George's cheek with the bread, much to the brunette's annoyance.

"Eat it," Dream commanded.

"Not now, I'm busy," George reasoned.

"The wind is blowing us in the right direction, there is no need for you to use your magic anymore." Dream pointed out.

"Well maybe I just want to get there faster." George shot back.

Now Dream was losing his patience, "Just take it," his voice slightly increasing in volume.

"Make me," George responded with the same tone.

Dream pushed George up against the ship's mast nearby, and pushed the bread harder against George's cheek. "Just eat it already!" he yelled.

"I don't want to!" George yelled back.

The rest of the party had felt the ship slow down, so they went looking for George. When they found Dream and George in their current position, Bad and Skeppy moved to pull the boys apart, but they were stopped by Sapnap who pulled the group behind some crates. The group peered out to see how things were going.

"We need to stop them before they start killing each other," Bad told Sapnap.

"No, let's just wait and see how this goes," He answered.

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