Chapter 26

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The End was located at the very edge of Mirth. The ocean suddenly cuts off to a void with several, scattered, floating islands. Not even the bravest wyvern riders or pegasus knights venture this far, yet here they were.

"Hold on tight, once you fall you're done for," Sapnap warned.

Tubbo and Tommy immediately tightened their hold on Fundy, who shot them a comforting smile.

"He could be anywhere, keep your eyes peeled." Dream commanded.

After a few more minutes of flying around, the castle came into sight. They quietly landed then entered the building.

"Anyone else feel like we're being watched?" Niki asked, her voice echoed eerily through the halls.

"I feel it too," Eret answered.

Sapnap suddenly threw a fire ball at the wall.

"Sap, we were suppose to do this stealthy," Karl hissed.

"There's no point, they found us." He answered seriously.

The group gasped in shock when one of the blocks on the wall opened up, and fired something at them. The group tried to dodge, but it circled back and followed their every move. Other purple blocks in the wall suddenly started to open and fire at them too. Soon the group was being followed by a whole hoard of tiny missiles.

"Okay, that's enough," Tommy said annoyed. He then deflected one of the missiles with his axe. He was surprise with how easy it broke against his weapon, but then he started floating up in the air.

"What is going on?" He yelled, as he continued to be lifted to the castle's roof. Suddenly he felt himself falling, "Help!" he yelled as he saw the ground getting nearer and nearer.


George could hear the sounds of fighting thanks to his dragon hearing. When he heard Tommy yell for help he once again tried to break free from his chains, but then he heard someone approaching. He looked up to see Jean smiling at him.

"Our guest have arrived, let's go greet them little brother." She said as she cuffed his hands, then removed the ones on his ankles that chained him to the wall, only to replace them by cuffing his feet together.

He glared at her but she simply smirked, "You'll behave right?" she asked sweetly, it was almost sickening.

She then leaned in to whisper in his ear, and her tone turned sinister, "for their sake."


Eret was quick to trap Tommy in a sphere, in order to bring him back down slowly.

"Attack them when they open up," Dream instructed.

The party quickly engaged, trying their best to avoid getting hit and sent flying to the roof. Once they were done, they took a few seconds to catch their breaths and heal up before continuing. They soon reached a giant door, and with a little bit of effort they were able to open it.

The room was dark, except for one spot of light that illuminated something. Dream's heart dropped when he saw George trying to break free from his chains, his yells muffled by a gag.

"George!" Dream and Sapnap yelled at the same time.

Dream quickly ran towards him, but was stopped when a wall of purple fire appeared in front of them, separating the party from George.

"Nothing like two lovers reuniting, but unfortunately that's as far as you go Dream." an eerie voice spoke up. The voiced echoed off the walls making it sound even more sinister.

"Who are you?"

A figure suddenly showed up under the same light George was in. The person was hooded and masked, and with a snap of their fingers the entire room lit up, revealing a large and well decorated throne room.

"You're the sorcerer!" The emblem knights exclaimed, "but how? We saw you fall into the void with our very own eyes." Wilbur said.

The sorcerer let out a small laugh as a pair of black wings popped out from her back. The person removed their mask and hood to show them her identity.

"Lady Mirth", Karl exclaimed confused, making the woman laugh.

"Do I look that much like her?" She asked to no one in particular.

"You're her daughter, Jean," Sapnap declared angrily.

"Bingo! Great job Sapnap!" Jean exclaimed.

"How do you know our names?" Sapnap asked.

"I've been keeping an eye on my baby brother, so of course I know all his friends." She then slightly bowed to them, "Thank you for looking after him," She mocked.

"Cut the crap out, release George now," Dream demanded.

"Not going to language him Bad?" Jean mocked.

This made Skeppy mad and the warrior charged at her, only to be pushed away by a gust of strong wind. Skeppy hit his head on one of the pillars, but Niki and Bad were quick to rush to his side. George struggled against his chains once again, and Jean turned to smirk at him.

"Now now dear brother, I made sure not to kill him so don't get so worked up."

She then turned to the group, "I'm willing to make you a deal, give me the new emblems and I'll release Gogy." she offered with a smile.

"I have an even better idea," Dream suddenly spoke up.

Jean looked for the blonde, only to discover that Dream had somehow disappeared from his previous spot. Her eyes darted from corner to corner in search for the man.

"We finish you once and for all, and take George back home with us," Dream finished, his voice seemingly coming from everywhere.

Just then he appeared right behind her, ready to strike her down with his axe. He was quickly flung aside, and pinned against the wall by an invisible force.

"You may have been a skilled assassin Dream, but nothing gets past a dragon's ability to sense danger." She said with a smirk.

She released him and Dream fell hard to the ground. As he groaned in pain George was fidgeting even more. Jean walked over to pet her brother on the head, only for George to glare up at her.

"Geez your glare is scary, it makes you seem so dominant. If I didn't know any better I would have thought you were the top of the relationship." She stated, making George effectively blush despite his better judgement.

"So..." she started as she turned back to the group, "are we gonna do a deal or not."

The party didn't answer, instead they quickly rushed to attack her. Jean let out a sigh, "Pity... I really didn't want to shed any blood today."

The party was suddenly pushed back as Jean transformed into her dragon form, "I'll try to make your ends as painless as possible, for my brother's sake." she said.

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