Chapter 4

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"A festival?" Tommy asked, taking a bite of his dinner.

"Yup, and they'll be having fighting tournaments in the arena as well." Tubbo informed holding up a flier.

"You two should sign up," Niki suggested cheerfully.

"You guys may be able to win in your bracket since it's grouped by age. You are the best 14 year old fighters that I've ever seen before. Don't you agree Guild master?" She asked Wilbur.

Wilbur didn't hear her, he was much too occupied with the the festival's flier. A surprise event after the tournament huh? I wonder what the guy has up his sleeves.

"Wilbur?" Niki probed, snapping Wilbur from his train of thoughts.

"Huh? Oh ah yes, you boys should enter." He said with a smile.

"Do you think the emblem knights might show up?" Tommy asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Niki let out a small laugh, "I wouldn't get your hopes up Tommy, nobody has seen them since they disappeared 10 years ago. Besides, no one even knows how they look like, we wouldn't be able to tell even if they were to show up."

The two boys looked down in disappointment.

"You boys really idolize the emblem knights huh?" Wilbur asked with a small smile.

"Of course we do, they saved our lives and countless others," Tubbo declared.

Just then a hawk flew through the window and landed on their table. The bird had surprised the two boys causing Tommy to draw his sword, and Tubbo prepared to cast a spell.

Seeing how the two boys reacted made Wilbur laugh, as he reached for the message the hawk had. After he took it the hawk spread its wings and took off. There was a glint in Wilbur's eyes, and a smile formed on his lips as he read the note.

"It appears we have guest on their way here," He informed Niki.

"Who?" the two boys asked.

"Some very good friends of mine," Wilbur replied as he stood up from his seat, and headed to his room. I just hope nothing happens when those two meet.


George gently placed a blanket over his mother's sleeping form. They were currently on the way to Ragnor via wagon. Up front was Sapnap and Karl, who was enjoying the raven head's company, but was also getting quite sleepy. Sapnap noticed this and looked over to George for help.

"Karl why don't you get some rest, I'll keep Sapnap company." George offered.

The man nodded his thanks and headed to the back of the wagon, while George took his place besides Sapnap.

"So... how's it going?" George asked smugly, when he saw Karl's breaths even out.

Sapnap blushed a bit, "It's going well," he responded.

"That's it? Come on give me details." George pouted.

"I have no details to give you," Sapnap replied much to his friend's frustration.

They then heard the squawk of a hawk from above, and George held out his hand to let the bird perch on it before moving it to his shoulder. Sapnap reached out to touch it but it threatened to bite him.

"How is it that animals love you so much, and hate me?" Sapnap asked a bit annoyed.

"That's not true," George replied with a smile before motioning to the 2 horses that were pulling the wagon. "The horses love you." He reasoned.

"Yeah and only horses, I want a messenger hawk too," Sapnap complained.

"I can help you train one when we get home." George offered his friend with a smile.

"Thanks George." Sapnap replied.

The pair slipped into a moment of silence before Sapnap opened his mouth to speak again.

"You know that he's in Ragnor right?"

George stayed silent, the smile that he was wearing disappeared and was replaced by a frown.

"There is a high chance that you may bump into him," Sapnap continued.

"I know," George answered grimly.


The next morning the sound of blades clashing could be heard throughout the halls of Ragnor's palace. A blonde man with green eyes swung his sword at the pink haired man, who wearing a crown. The pink haired man dodged the attack then held up his sword to his opponent's neck, making the green eyed man smile.

"Well done your majesty, I was no match for you." He said as he bowed before the pink haired man.

The man with pink hair frowned, "You don't have to call me that when we're not in public Dream, and technically I had the advantage since you're not used to using a sword anymore."

"Ah forgive me it was a force of habit, Technoblade." Dream said with a smile.

"Can we go one more round? This time I want you to use your axe." Technoblade asked his friend.

"Forgive me Sire, but I believe that you should be getting ready for the meeting today," Dream replied with a smile.

Technoblade let out a sigh, "Why do you have to be such a responsible person."

Dream wheezed, "Well I am your commander after all."

Technoblade sheathed his sword then started heading out of the training area, with Dream close behind him.

"You know that he's coming right?" Techno asked Dream.

He didn't need to turn around to know that Dream's cheerful demeanor had disappeared.

"Just thought that I'd give you a heads up," he said with a sigh. "Also you're off duty today, go and enjoy the festival, but be at the arena for the surprise event." He added before entering his room to prepare himself for his guest.

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