Chapter 10

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When Wilbur arrived back at the guild, Tommy and Tubbo were still excitedly chatting with Sapnap and George. The two boys noticed him and ran over, "Wil! Your back! Please tell us all about your adventures!" They yelled in unison. Wilbur shot them a small smile and ruffled their hair.

"Maybe tomorrow, I can tell you all about our adventures while we travel." Wilbur said.

"Travel?" the boys asked.

"The royals were very impressed by your skills, so they want you to join us on the hunt for the Emblems." he informed.

"Pogchamp!" the pair yelled as they did a little victory dance, making Wilbur laugh.

"Can I come along?" Niki asked.

"Yes, we'll need your healing abilities." Wilbur answered.

She smiled and told him that she would help the boys pack up for tomorrow. After Niki dragged the boys away, Wilbur shuffled towards George and Sapnap then plopped himself on the seat next to them.

"You okay Wil?" Sapnap asked.

"No," he groaned. "There's just too many personal things going on between our party. This is a recipe for disaster." He grimly declared.

"We have no choice but to put up with each other for now, we do our thing and they do theirs. We need to do our best to not start any infighting, for the sake of the people." George stated.

"You say all of that now George, but can you really ignore the tension between you and Dream?" Sapnap asked.

"As long as we don't get in each others way, then there should be no need for us to fight." George declared. There is no need for us to talk, we can just ignore each other and all will be well.


Dream laid down on his bed unable to fall asleep for some unknown reason. No, he did know, thoughts of being around George again were making him feel all giddy. The cold facade that he kept up these past 10 years, to seem completely unaffected about what happened between them, broke down the minute he saw the brunette in the stands cheering for those two boys. Dream finally gave up on sleep and jumped out of bed. He walked around the palace hallways till he reached the garden, there he sat down on the grass and looked up at the starry sky.

"Dream? What are you doing?" Bad's voice spoke up from behind him.

"Hey Bad, I just couldn't sleep," he responded as he patted the patch of grass beside him, inviting his friend to sit with him.

Bad happily sat down and joined him in his star gazing. "I never thought I would see the day where you happily served Techno, you guys used to fight all the time back then."

Dream wheezed, "Well I guess we both grew up. How about you? What's it like transitioning from humble thief to the prince of Jasmire's bodyguard?"

Bad laughed, "Probably the same way you felt when you stopped being an assassin to become the commander of Techno's army. Though I've got to admit, that night when I sneaked into Skeppy's room in hope of stealing something, it never even crossed my mind that I would end up becoming friends with the guy."

A comfortable silence fell on them as they continued to gaze at the night sky.

"You're thinking about George aren't you?" Bad asked with a smirk. Dream's face went bright red and Bad started to snicker.

"I knew it! You still like him don't you!" Bad yelled excitedly.

"Shut up Bad!" Dream yelled in embarrassment.

"Language! And no I won't," Bad stubbornly stated as his smile widened.

Dream covered his face with his hands, "It doesn't matter anyway, 10 years ago we separated on bad terms. I lost both of my best friends and now they hate me."

Bad let out a sigh, "I don't know what happened between you guys, but I don't like seeing you like this, it just doesn't feel right. I hope you guys can patch your relationship up before this quest ends."

"Thank you Bad, for caring." Dream responded, and Bad started to laugh again.

"George said the exact same thing when I told him, honestly it's like you guys were meant for each other." Bad teased.

"Fuck off Bad," Dream said embarrassed.



Meanwhile George was having problems of his own, he was stuck in a nightmare that he couldn't escape. He watches as his friends disappeared, yelling in agony and calling for him to come help them, but he couldn't, an invisible force was holding him down.

He cries as he watches Sapnap reach for him, only to disappear when he was only inches away. He hears someone call his name, so he turns to find the owner of the voice and sees Dream.

Dream runs towards him yelling his name over and over again. George tries to take a step towards him, and has to practically drag his feet in order to move an inch. His eyes widen in terror as a black dragon suddenly appears from behind Dream, and he is left frozen in place as he watches the blonde become engulfed in the dragon's purple flames.

George shot up from his bed, screaming. He places his hands on the sides of his head trying to block out the ringing in his ears. A comforting warmth covers his hands and he looks up to see his mother looking at him with concern. He lets out a shaky breath before he breaks down and sobs.

Myra wraps him in a hug, "What did you see?" She asks when he finally calms down.

George sniffled, "Everyone dying," he whispered. "And I couldn't do anything to save them."

Myra placed a hand on his back, "It could have just been a nightmare not a vision, don't worry."

"I hope you're right mother." George whispered.

The next morning everyone was waiting by the palace gates. Dream noticed George's puffy red eyes. Something in him broke when he saw Sapnap wrap George in a hug, and whispered something in the brunette's ear. The pain only increased when George started laughing at whatever Sapnap had just said. Dream had to look away before he was tempted to do something that he might regret.

"Are you boys all set?" Myra asked, with Karl smiling besides her.

"We are mum," George replied.

"Good but I need you to do me a favor, I want you to take Karl with you."

The three men opened their mouths to object, but she held out her hand to silence them. "Karl, you should take this opportunity to go on a adventure, before you spend the rest of your life stuck back with the tribe. With your archery skills, I won't have to worry so much about these two."

"But my Lady who will escort you back home." Sapnap asked.

"I do not need an escort I can handle myself, I am a sage after all."

"But mum-"

"No buts Georgie, and before you came along I went on my own share of adventures and lived to tell the tale. A simple trip home is merely a walk in the park."

After much more convincing the trio finally gave up, only for Sapnap and Karl to start arguing with her again when she told them to take the wagon.

"My Lady, you cannot walk all the way back to Mirth," Karl argued.

"I have my own ways to travel, right Georgie?" She stated sending her son a wink.

George gave her a knowing smile, "Right," he responded.

After saying their last bit of goodbyes, they left the palace grounds and started on their quest. George made sure to steal one last glance at his mother before she was out of sight. He prayed she was right about his dream only being a dream.

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