Chapter 28

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Mirth clasped her hands around the glowing purple gem, as her tears started to fall. She held it close to her chest while she sobbed, and George quickly held her tight.

"I know that she has done so many terrible things, but I am still her mother." Mirth sobbed.

"You are free to morn my Lady, we will not judge you." Techno gently stated.

Leaving the two dragons to morn for their loss, the rest of the party gathered in a separate room.

"Well we have one problem solved, but now we need to face the Lynix empire."

"I thought they gave up after their encounter with Jean?" Skeppy said.

Vivian shook her head, "No, they figured that the dragon wasn't on our side either, so they are still on their way here. This time with back up."

"Where are they now?" Dream asked.

"The managed to sneak in through the sea, and are now camped on the outskirts of Ragnor. We made sure that all villages nearby were evacuated just encase." Philza informed.

"Alright then let's go over there and finish them off," Sapnap declared excitedly.

"It's not that easy..." Techno explained, "They got us outnumbered, even with all the emblem knights together victory is still not assured."

"If I may," a voice spoke up from behind.

They turned to see Mirth and George, still a little teary eyed but now they wore bright smiles on their faces.

"I have an idea..." she stated.


"Commander! The troops of Kiris are just beyond the hill!" A soldier called.

The Lynix army turned to see a small army coming into view, leading the troops were the four rulers of Kiris.

"Ha! Fools!" the commander mocked, "they are actually dumb enough to let their leaders out on the battle field"

"Sir, the emblem knights are also present." one of the scouts informed.

"Do not worry we outnumber them. We will crush their pitiful army and bring glory to the emperor." The commander stated with confidence.

Both armies sent out their representatives for peace talks.

"They said to leave while we still can, and they will not surrender peacefully." The Lynix representative informed.

The Lynix army laughed loudly, "Men, let us show these fools who they're dealing with."

With that the first wave of Lynix's troop were sent in. The Kiris army stood still and from the crowd George and Mirth stepped out. They waited for the troops to get a bit closer before they shifted into their dragon forms.

The troops yelled in fear when they saw the gold and blue dragons appear out of nowhere. The dragons breathed out fire that prevented the troops from getting any closer, and roared majestically.

The commander turned his horse around, "Retreat!" he yelled. The Kiris army laughed and shouted for joy as they watched their foes retreat.

"That was easy..." Techno said with a smile.

"I doubt anyone would want to mess with us now that we have dragons on out side." Queen Vivian said cheerfully.

"I say that this calls for celebration," Sapnap suggested, the rest agreed and so another joyful festival was held back in Ragnor.

As everyone feasted and dance, Dream pulled George aside and suggested that they go for a stroll under the moonlight.

"I hope you understand now why we can't do this." George stated plainly. Dream looked confused for a second, before realizing that George was talking about their relationship.

"We belong to different species Dream. My kind live longer than yours and it would never work. Besides, you have your own life here. I don't want you to give up being a commander for normal life on the plains, and I can't abandon my tribe to stay here with you."

Dream merely smiled lovingly at him and wrapped him in a hug, "When your sister took you away, and I thought that I lost you forever I realized something George..."

He pulled away to look his lover in the eye, "I will never be truly happy if I'm not with you George."

George felt tears sting his eyes, "but I'm not even human Dream, are you really okay knowing that I'll still look the same way no matter how many years pass?"

Dream kissed George on the nose before answering, "Of course I am, but I need to ask you... will you still love me when my hair has turned gray. When I have tons of wrinkles on my face, and can no longer sweep you off your feet."

George lets out a giggle, "Yes, because you will still be you, the Dream that I fell for and will love till my very last breath."

The two shared a sweet kiss, only to break apart when they heard someone clear their throat. They turned around to see Mirth behind them.

"Forgive me, but I couldn't help but overhear your very depressing conversation." Mirth teased.

She then turned her attention to George, "When your father died I felt like there was no point in living anymore. If you and Jean weren't there, I would have probably died of heartbreak. I never wanted any of you to experience the pain I felt, but of course I can't stop you from loving a human. You have the right to choose who you want to love. Which is why I prepared for this moment should it ever happen."

She opened up her hands to reveal Jean's core, "If you are willing to give up your humanity Dream, then I can help you turn into a dragon."

The couple looked at her in surprise, "Oh it can be done, as long as there is a core available, but I didn't find out about it until after after my husband died."

She looked at Dream with gentle eyes, "So Dream... are you willing to become a dragon in order to stay with my son for a longer period of time."

"You don't have to do it Dream, I'll be happy with whatever amount of time I can have with you." George said, he wanted to make sure that the blonde was not pressured into doing anything.

Dream smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "As if I would turn down a chance to be with you longer."

Dream turned to Mirth who was beaming brightly at the couple, "Will it hurt a lot?" he asked.

"Not much at all," she replied.

Dream let go of George's hand and Mirth gently pressed the core against his chest. She recited some sort of spell and the core started to glow. Dream was raised off the ground and his body glowed with a green light.

"What's going on here?" Sapnap suddenly said from behind them. George turned around to see the whole crew gathering around them, along with the three other rulers.

"You are witnessing the birth of a dragon," Mirth replied with a smile.

"Wait is that Dream?" Tommy asked as green light orbs swirled around Dream's body, the once purple core turned green and attached itself to the blonde's chest. There was multiple flashes of light and several loud bangs, that could almost mistaken the ritual for a fireworks display.

Out of the glowing light burst forth a green dragon that let out a majestic roar. Mirth lightly tapped George on his shoulder, "go to him." she said.

Without hesitation George shifted into his blue dragon and flew up to meet Dream in the skies. The group watched in amazement as the two dragons soared gracefully around each other as if in a dance.

"Now this is a sight that I would love to see again and again." Sapnap declared as he pulled a giggling Karl closer to him.

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