Chapter 9

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"What on earth were you thinking!" Sapnap yelled.

After Techno's announcement the crowds had dispersed and the group headed back to the palace to talk, well in Sapnap's case... yell.

"You just had to announce the plan to the public, and revealed all our identities! You do realize that we have enemies right? What if they use this information against us? They could trap us while we're on this quest or worst, go after our families!" Though Sapnap was yelling at the top of his lungs, Techno didn't even flinch.

"I announced it publicly for the people's sake. They need to have hope that everything will be alright, and really Sapnap, who on earth is dumb enough to mess with one of the emblem knights?" He calmly responded.

Sapnap was about to yell something back, when Wilbur stopped him and tried to calm him down. Meanwhile George was repeatedly telling his mother that he was not mad at her, and that she didn't need to apologize.

"We might need to get a few more people on this quest if you two are staying behind," Skeppy stated as he pointed to Philza and Techno.

"I have two vassals ready to join you." Philza said, then he looked over at Wilbur, "Those two boys from your guild seem capable, why not let them join?"

"Absolutely not, they are only 14. They are much too young to be involved in this." Wilbur responded.

"Techno and the rest were also around that age when we became heroes, this experience might just help them improve their skills," Philza pointed out.

"We can discuss the party list on a later date," Bad said as he walked over to Myra. "Do you know the locations of the emblems my Lady?" he asked.

Myra nodded, "But first I think I should tell you a bit about the original emblems."

Myra waited until she had all their attention before she continued. "The emblems were not just some random stones that somehow became magical, they were the cores of 4 very powerful monsters." She paused as she saw their confused and surprise faces. "The heroes of old defeated the monsters then took their cores, and used them to drive the mobs away."

"Now there's some irony, the very thing used to keep mobs away came from their own kind." Techno stated.

"The Emblems are neutral items, they listen to the will of their wielder." Myra answered. "And not all mobs have them, only legendary level monsters such as dragons do, but even for dragons there are only a few that posses one."

"I thought we wiped out all the dragons 10 years ago." Philza pointed out.

"No they still exists," Myra informed. George gave his mother's hand a little squeeze, and she flashed him a smile before she continued.

"In my vision I saw 4 powerful monsters, one of them was a black dragon that had a purple core." she explained.

"And the others?" Skeppy asked.

"One of the monsters lives in a dark cave, I was not able to see how it looked like but I could sense its strength. The second lives in the nether and had the aura of death itself, and the other lived in an ocean monument."

"This may be harder than we thought," Philza said as he slumped into his seat, "We don't have much information on these monsters, and have no idea where their weak points may be."

"It's their core," Myra spoke out in a clear voice, "take their core and the monsters will disintegrate into dust."

"Looks like a plan, we need to move fast so I suggest you guys spend the rest of the day getting ready and leave tomorrow." Techno announced, and the others agreed.

Techno offered some rooms in the palace for Philza and Vivian, along with their men and they all went their separate ways. Wilbur, Sapnap, George, and Myra were on their way out of the castle when Wilbur suddenly stopped in his tracks and went pale. Outside of the castle's gates stood Tommy, Tubbo, and Niki.

"What's wrong Wil?" George asked.

" know that Tommy and Tubbo really admire us right, so I have no idea how they're going to react," Wilbur said with a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Sapnap assured, patting him on the back.

The group kept walking forward, and just as Wilbur was about to apologize, they trio instantly ran up and wrapped him in a hug.

"I was so worried when I saw you fight the King of Valor," Niki said in a shaky voice. "Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked.

Wilbur smiled at his friend, "No, but I'm sorry that I worried you."

They heard someone clear their throat from behind them, and turned around to come face to face with a two brown haired men. One was a wyvern knight and the other a dark magic wielder.

"Fundy..." Wilbur's voice shaking as he addressed the wyvern knight. "What are you doing here?"

"He's with me Wil," Philza spoke up from behind them. "Fundy and Eret will be taking my place on the quest."

Wilbur stared at Philza with panic in his eyes, "He is but a child Phil, you can't let him do this."

"I am no longer a child!" Fundy yelled at Wilbur, "and what I do is no concern of yours!" Fundy then stomped away angrily with Eret close behind.

Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo looked at Wilbur, confusion clearly portrayed on their faces. "I'll explain later... Niki, can you take the boys home with our guests, I need to speak to someone first." Wilbur told her as he eyed Philza.

Niki nodded and guided the group back to the guild. As they left, he could hear Tommy and Tubbo excitedly asking George and Sapnap questions about their adventures as the emblem knights. Wilbur then turned his attention back to Philza.

"Phil, he's 14 years old." Wilbur said in hush tones.

"He is one of the best wyvern knights in my kingdom despite his age, and he has Eret to watch his back." Philza stated.

Wilbur stayed silent and Philza let out a sigh, "Look Wil, I did as I promised and took care of him for you, but he needs your presence in his life. He needs to know what actually happened 10 years ago."

"He hates me Phil, he thinks that I just threw him away," Wilbur reasoned.

"Well, now you have a chance to explain to him your reasons. You need to do this Wilbur, for his sake as well." Philza said as he turned to leave.

Wilbur let out a sigh then lifted his head to look up at the sky. Sally, what am I going to do?

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