Chapter 7

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"He's going to hate me," Myra tried to reason but it fell on deaf ears.

"This is necessary, for the sake of our nation." Philza insisted.

Myra noticed Vivian looking at her brother in the crowd. I believe George told me that his name was Skeppy, and I think the guard's name is Bad.

Techno cleared his throat, pulling Myra away from her thoughts. "I will take full responsibility. If he wants someone to hate, then let it be me for forcing you to do this."

Myra let out a sigh, "Very well then."

Techno smiled then turned to face the masses.

George please forgive me, Myra said in her head as she took her place behind Techno.


"I can't believe that we actually pulled it off," Tommy said when they reached Wilbur and the gang.

"You boys did such a great job, I'm so proud of you!" Niki said, giving them both a hug.

"Well Tubbo did most of the work," Tommy admitted sadly.

"You were the reason Tubbo was able to cast that spell in the end," George spoke up.

Tommy meet his eyes, then George continued. "Both of you had your own parts to play. The reason that you won wasn't only because of those spells, nor because of your skills, but rather your complete trust in each other, and your ability to perfectly support each other."

Tommy and Tubbo shared a smile before agreeing with George, then the boys turned their attention back to the rulers on stage, and started talking about them. Watching those two react made George feel a wave of nostalgia, this didn't go unnoticed by Sapnap and Wilbur, and they gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze. He smiled at his friends as a thank you, just as they heard Techno announcing something.

"Welcome people of Kiris, I'm sure you all have enjoyed yourselves with the amazing battles that you have just witness, but my dear citizens the best is yet to come." The crowd cheered and Techno held up his hand to silence them.

"The special event that you have all been waiting for is about to start, it will be a 4 vs 4 battle featuring the heroes of legends themselves... The Emblem Knights!"

The mix of cheers, gasps, and mummers where not able to drown out the sound of George's pounding heart, and he quickly looked at Wilbur and Sapnap. Wilbur's face was drained of color while Sapnap's face was red with anger.

The three were brought out of their thoughts when a very excited Tubbo and Tommy started to ramble in front of them.

"The Emblem Knights are here, Pog!"

"We will finally get to see them again!"

"They are our heroes you know!"

"We want to be as strong as them someday!"

The three men tried to fake a smile as they affectionately patted them on their heads.

"Lady Myra, if you would..." Techno said motioning for her to step forward. She shot her son a look of guilt and apology before casting a teleporting spell. Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo looked at the three men as they slowly disappeared.

"What's happening to you guys?" Tommy asked in a panic voice.

"We'll be fine Tommy don't worry," Wilbur reassured before the trio fully disappeared from their seats.

Tommy and Tubbo had their mouths wide open in shock. What just happened?

Niki got their attention and pointed to the center of the arena. They squinted their eyes as 6 people magically appeared, and 3 of those people were George, Sapnap, and Wilbur, but they were now wearing different outfits and had weapons in hand.

The King of Ragnor and Valor jumped down from the stage and joined the 6 men, while the Queen of Jasmire opened her mouth to speak, "Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the Emblem Kinghts!" Cheers erupted from all around them.

They were part of the Emblem knights and they didn't tell us. Tommy thought. He could tell both Niki and Tubbo were thinking the same thing. Why did they want to keep their identities a secret?


George could feel the panic ragging inside him as he looked down at his outfit. He was now wearing a blue robe with a dark blue cape around his shoulders, clipped in the center by a red gem. Sapnap was in a long sleeved black robe with a white cape, and looked like he was ready to murder someone. Wilbur on the other hand, still a deadly pale, was wearing a white shirt and black pants with a dark brown trench coat.

These outfits where the very ones that they wore 10 years ago when they were on a mission to save Kiris as the Emblem Knights. Only this time they didn't have their masks to cover their faces.

George felt a pain in his chest when he saw a familiar shade of green at the corner of his eye. He turned to see the man that used to make him so happy, now looking at him with a cold glare. Techno and Philza walked towards them as the Queen announced them publicly.

Sapnap stomped his way over to Techno, "What have you done!" He yelled.

Dream was quick to get between them and placed a knife to Sapnap's neck.

"Back off now Sapnap, I do not want to kill you in front of all these people." His said in a voice completely devoid of any emotion.

"Hah! That's rich, never thought I'd see the day where you would hesitate to spill blood." he snapped back.

Dream's knife dug deeper into Sapnap's neck. "Last chance, back off now."

George quickly pulled Sapnap away before anything else could happen. "Calm down Sap, the people are watching."

Sapnap took a few relaxing breaths, before he gave George a forced smile.

"I know that you guys have a lot of questions, and I promise that they will be answered really soon, but for now, let's give the people what they came for." Technoblade stated calmly.

"Now to announce the teams," Queen Vivian voice boomed out.

"King Technoblade, King Philza, Commander Dream, and Prince Skeppy on one team, then on the other we have General Badboyhalo, Guildmaster Wilbur, Fire mage Sapnap and the Great Sage George.

Murmurs and whispers went around when George's title was announced. Sages where mages that had mastered all 3 types of magic, which only a few mages managed to achieve after decades of training. The title of Great Sage was given to those who not only mastered magic, but weapons as well. George was the youngest ever to receive such a title, but he wasn't particularly proud of it.

The groups then went to their separate corners.

"Heya George, Sapnap, Wilbur, never thought that we would have the opportunity to work together again." Bad greeted cheerfully.

The trio smiled at him, it was hard not to smile at the man's innocence. If only they too could ignore the thick tension in the air.

"You haven't changed at all Bad." Sapnap said.

The man was dressed in a black long sleeve robe, that had red markings on it. He had a black hood over his head, and even though his outfit made him seem dangerous, the man was actually the sweetest soul on the planet.

"How has life been treating you?" Wilbur asked.

"It's been good actually, but it's a bit of a challenge to keep Skeppy out of trouble. The muffin always seems to be getting into some sort of mess."

George was awfully silent, even Bad could tell that something was up.

"George?" Bad called as he placed his hands on his friend's shoulder, and George looked up to meet his eyes.

"I don't know what happened between you and Dream, but I hope that one day you guys will talk to each other again. It hurts to see you looking so sad and lonely."

George gave his friend a small smile, "Thank you Bad, for caring."

"My pleasure, now what's the plan oh great and mighty strategist of the emblem knights?" Bad asked George with a twinkle in his eye, causing the other 3 to laugh.

The pain in George's heart started to subside, "Alright listen up, here's what we're gonna do..."

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