Chapter 27

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No, It's happening...

George cursed himself for getting caught, if he didn't do something then they would all die. I won't let that vision come true! He yelled in his head as he pulled against the cuffs, and felt them cut into his skin. Yet he continued knowing that he could heal himself, even with the most lethal of injuries.

Suddenly he was pinned down by a force, "Behave Georgie," Jean said, "I don't want you to hurt yourself." there was a hint of concern in her voice which disgusted him.

"Don't worry I'll give your friends a swift execution, they won't feel a thing." Jean continued as she fired her purple flames back at the group.

Part of the flames hit Eret who writhed in pain, Niki was quick to run over and heal him. Jean fired her flames once again at the pair, but they were quickly scooped up and carried away by Wilbur and Fundy.

George watched in horror as she pinned all of them down again with an invisible force. He saw Sapnap trying to fight it by pushing his body off the ground, only to collapse to the floor exhausted.

"George," it was weak but George was still able to hear Dream call out to him.

Dream tried to crawl towards him, but was promptly stopped when Jean placed her talons on him. Dream's agonizing scream rang in George's ears, and he felt like something inside him snapped.

He closed his eyes as a surge of power flooded his body, his core shone brighter than ever before. The shackles that once bound him shattered, and his gag disintegrated.

"ENOUGH!" His voice boomed, the castle shook with its power. He opened his eyes to reveal them now an eerie shade of blue, while an impressive aura surrounded him.

"George you're..." Jean trailed off as wings suddenly sprouted from George's back.

He flew towards his sister and when they were mere inches apart, he transformed himself into his dragon form. He tackled his sister so hard that the two dragons broke through the wall, and brought their fight outside. The party slowly recovering, limped outside to see George chasing his sister across the sky.

"He's lost control," Sapnap stated, and nearly collapsed if it wasn't for Karl who made it in time to catch him. He let Sapnap hook his arm around his neck for support, and the mage shot him a smile before turning back to George.

"And what does that mean exactly?" Dream asked, now very worried.

"If he doesn't snap out of it soon, he will remain in that form and become a dragon with no human emotion." Sapnap explained.

The party immediately started calling out to George, but he was deaf to their pleas as he pinned his sister down, close to the edge of the island and scratched out her core. Jean roared in pain before her body started to deteriorate. She was lifted up into the dark sky, where she put on an impressive light show before vanishing.

George let out a victory roar, but the party's hearts dropped when he didn't shift back, and instead eyed then aggressively.

"Get ready, he might attack," Sapnap warned.

The party was hesitant but got into their battle stance. Dream however, was focusing on something else.

"Where's Jean's core?" He asked.

The party looked around before spotting it threateningly close to the edge. Dream held his breath as he saw it wobble a bit, and he quickly dashed to save it.

"Dream no!" Sapnap yelled as he saw George charging at him, threatening to attack him. The party let out gasps as they saw Dream go over the edge with George close behind.

Dream had manage to grab the emblem, but now found himself falling into the void. He looked above him only to see George's dragon chasing after him. If the void doesn't kill me, then George certainly will. He sighed in resignation before he opened his arms wide, as if asking George for a hug.

"George..." he voice barely audible, "I love you," and with that he closed his eyes to await certain death.

He felt the wind get knocked out of him when he landed on something hard. Dream opened his eyes to find himself on the back of George's dragon.

Dream clung onto George, and the blue dragon turned his head to look at the blonde as it continued to fly upward. The dragon had what Dream could only guess was a smirk on his face, and his eyes were no longer glowing blue, but rather clear and calm.

Dream let out a relieved sigh then buried his face into George's skin. He started to wheeze and George once again turned his head to look at him, this time with concern.

Dream smirked, "Oh it's nothing, It's just that I always thought that when it came to riding, you would be the one doing it." he declared smugly while wiggling his eyebrows.

George's dragon snorted in amusement, then turned and smirked at Dream again. This made shivers go down the latter's back, and not in a good way.

Before he could do anything, George threw him up in the air, Dream started screaming his head off as the ground got increasingly closer. At the last second, George caught him and landed gracefully on the ground.

Dream was almost hyperventilating, making the rest of the party laugh at his situation. George who was still in dragon form nuzzled his head against Dream's chest, in hopes of giving him some sort of comfort.

"Stop doing that!" Dream yelled as he gently griped onto George's head.

George then shifted back to his human form, luckily he kept his clothes on, and smirked. "It's your fault for saying something like that." he calmly stated.

The pair started laughing , causing the rest of the group to join in again.

Dream held up the last emblem that glowed a bright purplish color, "Let's go home."

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