Chapter 20

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"George," Dream called out again, even more gently.

"Dream," George tried to respond, but it came out so weakly that he doubted Dream had heard him.

Dream bent down and pulled him into a hug, which made George's body tense up.

"You can hit me later, for now just let me hold you." Dream pleaded.

George relaxed and he slowly placed his hands on Dream's back. He burried his face in the crook of the blonde's neck, and sobbed till he had no more tears left to shed. When Dream felt like George was done crying he pulled away, his heart sank when he still saw a look of fear on George's face.

He bent down once again to kiss George on the forehead, the brunette flinched but made no effort to get away. The blonde took this as a sign that George was okay with Dream touching him, and decided to push his luck by bopping their noses together.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

George broke their eye contact as he looked away, "It's nothing."

Dream grabbed George's chin gently so that they faced each other once again. "You never cry over nothing," he pointed out.

George stayed silent, and Dream let out a sigh. "If you don't want to tell me then that's fine."

He then helped George up, and the pair just stayed in each others arms for a moment. The music faintly playing in the background gave Dream an idea. A terrible one, but if it worked maybe he could get George to smile, so he took George's hand and twirled the man around.

"Dance with me," Dream said, causing George to blush.

"I don't want to dance in front of all those people," George replied, still blushing.

Dream let out a small wheeze, "I meant here idiot," he said and he started to move George to the rhythm of the music.

Their dance was clumsy, both unsure of their movements, but it worked. George broke out into giggles as they danced, causing a smile to grow on Dream's face.

When the music stopped so did their silly dance. The sage realizing how close they actually were tried to break free, but Dream held him tight. "Don't run away," he whispered in George's ear.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry for what I said to you 10 years ago. I was angry and I wasn't thinking of how my words might hurt you." Dream confessed.

"Please forgive me George," Dream begged.

George could see the sincerity in his eyes and reached up to tangle his fingers in Dream's hair. "I already did, a long time ago," he replied with a smile.

Swept up in the moment the two shared a kiss, it was desperate, and filled with all the emotions that have been building up for the past ten years, and maybe even before that. George gasped as Dream pressed him up again the outside wall of the house. His other hand reached up to grip Dream's hair tighter, and the latter pressed their lips back together.

"I love you," Dream whispers when they break apart, and George reconnects their lips.


Uh... yeah... very short spice scene,

Feel free to skip


Dream bit George's lip, causing the latter to open his mouth in a gasp. George then felt Dream slip his tongue into their kiss and he happily returned it. The two fell into a rhythm, as George removed his hands from Dream's hair and settled them on his chest, then slowly trailed them up to the blonde's shoulders. Dream moved closer till their bodies were fully pressed together.

George felt his whole body tingle as Dream ran his hands up and down George's side, and moved his lips to the brunette's neck. George gasped when Dream found a sensitive spot causing the latter to smile against his skin.

Dream's hands moved towards George's neck, then he gently trailed his fingers down the opening of George's robe.


It's over :)


George loved the feeling of Dream's fingers slowly trailing down his chest, but then he remembered something crucial. George's eyes flew open when he realized what was going to happen, "Dream stop!" he yelled.

Dream immediately pulled away in concern, and George let out a sigh of relief, That was close.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you do something that you're uncomfortable with. I wasn't thinking that you might not be ready to go that far..." Dream rambled.

George felt the guilt stab his heart. The reason why he stopped the blonde was not because he wasn't ready. Hell, his hormones were raging right now and were demanding to be satisfied. If it were up to him they would have gone all the way, but the thought of what Dream might do when he discovers that George has a core frightens him.

"No it's not that Dream, I just have a lot of things going on right now," George explained with an apologetic smile.

Dream rubbed the back of his neck, "About my confession..." he started.

George met his eyes and waited for him to continue. Dream took in a deep breath, "I meant it okay, I don't want you to think that it was a heat in the moment thing."

George blinked then started giggling, "I know," he said with a smile that made Dream go weak. "I do have feelings for you too, but..."

Dream felt all his hopes dash with that one word, but he tried to keep calm and listen to what George had to say.

"What's gonna happen when this quest is through?" George asked. "You have your life in Ragnor and I have mine in Mirth, I don't think we can make it long distance."

Dream wrapped his arms around George and looked him dead in the eye, "You can stay with me, I'm sure Techno will welcome you in the army."

George shook his head, "I belong in Mirth Dream, and I can't let you leave your job as a commander to come live a simple life with me."

Dream took his George's hands in his, "How about we discuss this later, let's focus on what we can take right here and now."

George agreed and the two shared one last kiss before heading back to the group. Soon everyone retired for the night, but George couldn't sleep.

I need to protect them, I can't let anything happen to them.

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