Chapter 14

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All the men, except George, stripped till they were only wearing their pants. Wilbur ordered Niki to stay on the ship and wait for them, which she eventually agreed to.

Dream had to force himself not to peek over at George, who was wearing a thin cotton shirt with pants. He saw George whispering something to Tubbo, and the boy's eyes lit up as he nodded at whatever the sage had just told him.

George informed the group to stay close and that they would have to dive in at the same time.

Once everyone was ready, George gave the signal and everyone jumped in. Just as they were about to hit the water George put up a large barrier that surrounded them.

The guardians were quick to notice the sudden activity and were swimming straight for them. George placed a comforting hand on Tubbo's back as the boy took a deep breath, and electric sparks started to form in his hands.

George waited till the guardians were close enough before giving Tubbo the signal. The boy then summoned lighting to hit the water, electrocuting the guardians and effectively knocking them out.

"They can't use their spikes when they're out, now's our chance." George said.

As soon as he disabled the barrier, the party swam out and destroyed each of the unconscious guardians. George caught Dream's attention and motioned towards the monument. Dream nodded, and after the two went up for a gulp of air, they dove back down and entered the monument, leaving the rest of the party to deal with the guardians.

The monument seemed more like a maze, and the two men were having a hard time navigating around. As they were about to give up and go up for air, an eerie sound resonated through the prismarine halls.

Suddenly George felt weak and dizzy, Dream felt the same way but managed to force his body to push through. When Dream realized that George had gone limp, panic swept through him, and the adrenaline was enough to give him strength to grab George and quickly pull the sage to the surface. Once their heads popped out of the water the pair gasped for air, George was still feeling weak and gripped onto Dream's shoulders for support.

"George are you okay?" Dream asked gently.

"I just felt so weak all of a sudden," George said massaging his head with one of his hands, while the other still had a firm grip on Dream's bare shoulder. When he realized the position that they were in, he turned into a blushing mess and pushed away.

"Sorry about that I feel better now," He answered.

He took in a deep breath and dove back down before Dream could say anything. The blonde was left stunned for a moment but quickly dove to follow George.

The pair returned back to the place that they were and heard the sound again. They felt their bodies growing weaker but continued to press on.

They saw an opening above them and George swam up to see what was in there. Dream watched in horror as the brunette was suddenly flung out of sight by a beam, this one looked more powerful than that of the guardians outside.

Dream swam up to see a larger version of the guardians, that was white in color and it was headed straight for George. Dream didn't hesitate to draw his axe and stab the monster from behind. He recoiled when he felt pain shoot up his arm from the spikes that the monster had. The monster turned its attention to Dream who quickly led it away from George. After ducking behind one of the pillars Dream backtracked to George and grabbed him so they could escape.

They quickly swam out of the monument, but the monster caught sight of them and gave chase. They slipped through one of the exits that was big enough for them, but far too small for the monster. They could see the monster trying to break its way through, and the rest of the party soon gathered around the duo.

George signaled for them to surface and they all nodded before heading up.

"What the muffin is that thing!" Bad exclaimed when they reached the surface.

"It's an Elder Guardian, a more powerful version of the guardian." George explained as he gasped for air.

"Please don't tell me that the Elder guardian is the monster with the core." Eret pleaded.

Everyone groaned when George shot him a nervous smile. Just then they heard a load bang, and looked down to see that part of the temple had been busted through.

Tommy gulped, "Guys it's coming this way!"

"Scatter!" Wilbur yelled, and everyone took off in different directions.

"Tommy! Tubbo!" George yelled as he saw the elder Guardian lock onto the two boys and charged straight at them.

The two boys were suddenly pulled under the water, narrowly dodging the elder guardian's attack, by Fundy. The elder guardian's tail was just about to hit them when Wilbur blocked it off, but not without receiving a few stings from its spikes.

Eret quickly cast a spell that surrounded the Elder guardian in a black ball. He tried to shrink it, hoping to crush the beast in some way. Unfortunately the Elder guardian broke through, but it was quickly met with attacks from Skeppy, Bad, and Dream. The trio ignored the damaged from the spikes and continued to attack until the elder guardian breathed its last and disappeared, leaving behind a glowing blue stone.

Dream quickly picked it up and they headed for the surface, "We got it!" He yelled as he held it up for the party to see.

Everyone cheered, and Karl and Sapnap helped them back on board. Niki was quick to help heal everyone, and George joined her as soon as he was healed.

Niki ran over and hugged Tommy and Tubbo, "Thank goodness you're safe. I was so worried when I saw that monster heading straight for you." The two boys hugged her back and smiled so she wouldn't worry.

When Niki spotted Fundy she ran up to him and also wrapped him in a hug, though it was a bit of an awkward one. "Thank you for saving them." She said to a very stiff Fundy.

He manage to pull off a smile though, "No problem," he responded.

"That's one down, 3 more to go," Dream declared.

"We should drop it off at Ragnor's palace, we're passing it on the way to the next one anyway." Sapnap said, and the group agreed.

"Okay what's next on the list?" Bad asked.

"The monster that lives in a cave, it's located all the way in Valor."

The group groaned, "It's gonna take forever to get over those mountain ranges."

"We might just have a solution to that," Eret said with a smile.

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