Chapter 15

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"POGCHAMP!" Tommy and Tubbo yelled at the top of their lungs, as their wyvern dove down, only to open its wings at the last second to glided across the lake's surface. It then flew up to join the others.

The rest of the party giggled at the boys' joyful shouts.

After they had delivered the first emblem to the palace of Ragnor, Fundy flew back to Valor to grab a few friends. They decided to leave most of their supplies back at Ragnor, and carry only a backpack each for the trip.

"Again again!" The boys yelled at Fundy who was driving the wyvern.

He smiled at the boys then looked over at Niki for approval, when she gave him a nod he caused the wyvern to nose dive, and spiral before spreading its wings to glide up once again. The boys were laughing uncontrollably, and Fundy couldn't help but smile at them, even his wyvern seemed to be enjoying.

"He's pretty good at flying huh?" Skeppy told Eret, who was driving the wyvren that he was riding on, with Bad seated behind him.

"One of the best, and the youngest ever to master the art." Eret answered smiling proudly at his friend.

Behind them was Sapnap and Karl, Sapnap was driving and tensing up whenever Karl's grip tightened on Sapnap's shoulders. Besides them was Wilbur and Niki, and at the very back of pack was Dream and George. They kind of had no choice with the pairings, but so far George didn't attempt to throw Dream off the wyvern.

"I didn't know you knew how to fly," Niki told Wilbur.

"Believe it or not, I was once a wyvern knight in training back when I lived in Valor. That's where I meet Philza for the very first time, he was still a prince back then," came the response.

Niki glanced again at Fundy, who was still entertaining Tommy and Tubbo with his flying tricks. "You should tell him the truth..."

Wilbur tensed up, "I will..."

"When?" Niki asked.

"After this quest is through..."

"It may be too late by then... He needs you in his life now Wil, just like you need him."

Wilbur glanced back at her, and she gave him a supportive smile, "Okay I'll talk to him..." He replied

"When?" Niki asked again, but this time in a playful tone.

"Soon," Wilbur answered with a chuckle.

"How soon?" Niki continued.

"You're really not going to let this rest till I do it, are you?" he asked his friend who merely laughed.

"Well you know how stubborn I can be, just like a certain guild master that I know..." she responded teasingly.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and faced forward, making Niki snicker behind him.

Meanwhile, George and Dream were in another very awkward situation.

"The view is amazing Dream, you should open your eyes."

Dream shook his head against George's back and tightened his hold on the brunette's waist. All his resolve of not touching George, or doing anything embarrassing in front of him, went out the window the minute that they took off.

"Dream I can't breath," George choked out.

Dream loosened his grip, just slightly. George couldn't stop the laughter from escaping his throat. "I wonder how people would react, when they discover that the greatest weakness of Ragnor's almighty commander is heights."

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