Chapter 2

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10 years later


"Run Tubbo!" Tommy yelled at his friend as they dodged the rain of skeleton arrows.

"I told it was a bad idea to go in that cave!" Tubbo yelled, trying to keep up with his friend.

"How was I suppose to know that there was a skeleton spawner in it." The blonde replied. Just then an arrow struck him on his shoulder, causing him to yell in pain.

Tubbo quickly turned around to check on his friend, and the boys soon realized that they were surrounded.

"Guess we don't have a choice," Tommy stated and gave Tubbo a nod.

The two immediately prepared themselves to fight. Tommy was the first to move, using his axe he attacked the nearest skeleton, while Tubbo then used his lightning magic to support his friend. It was a long battle and when it was finally over, the duo were left with quite a decent amount of injuries. They both fell to the forest floor exhausted.

"It's going to be night time soon, we need to find a place to hide." Tubbo declared, despite being too tired to move.

Tommy hummed in agreement but stayed on the ground, "A few more minutes, I'm completely spent."

The two boys closed their eyes, not even bothering to patch up their injuries before they fell into deep sleep.

It has been 10 years since the incident, Tommy and Tubbo both lost their parents in the attack. They managed to rebuild their village with the help of the other survivors, but the fear of another attack still haunted them. They later on discovered that some sorcerer who had the power to control the mobs, destroyed the emblems that kept them safe. That same sorcerer was responsible for the attack on their village, along with several others.

The group that had saved them where ultimately the ones who defeated the sorcerer, but when they were to be rewarded for their heroic deeds they never showed up. No one knew where they went nor where they came from, and were referred by the masses as the Emblem knights.

Tommy and Tubbo were greatly inspired by them, which is why they asked a few of the remaining village elders to train them. Tommy was able to use his speed to his advantage, and quickly learned how to use an axe. Tubbo on the other hand seemed to have the talent for magic.

Without the emblem's protection the land slowly became infested with mobs. Sensing the boys keen interest in learning, their village elders decided to send the boys to the city of Kargo, which was still part of the kingdom of Ragnor where they lived, but was nearer to the coast.

Kargo was a port city, filled with mercenary guilds and merchants, one of their village elders happened to be friends with one of the guild masters there ,and had sent the boys to learn from him. Once they had soaked up everything they could they would return and help protect the village, then teach the others what they learned. Unfortunately the boys had been very unlucky with their journey. In just the first few days they had lost their donkey that had all their supplies, then Tommy accidentally dropped their map into lava so they were also lost.

Now they were laying down on the forest floor, injured, tired, and hungry. They were the perfect targets for mobs, but their bodies still refused to move even when the sun began to set.


Tommy felt a comforting warmth envelop him, and slowly opened his eyes to see a cleric with blonde hair standing by him. Her staff was glowing with a soft light and Tommy felt his body become relaxed.

The cleric soon realized that he was awake and gave him a warm smile. "Hello there, do you feel anymore pain?" She asked.

Tommy shook his head then sat up to see all his injuries healed.

"That's good, My name's Niki what's yours?" The cleric asked.

"Tommy, sorry but have you seen my friend?" He asked looking around the room for any sign of Tubbo.

"If you mean that brown haired boy that was with you, then he's currently down stairs with the guild master." She replied.

Tommy thanked her and quickly got up. He grabbed his axe that was propped up beside his bed, and quickly headed down stairs. His jaw dropped when he reached the foot of the stairs, and saw a crowd of people seated at multiple tables. They were drinking, eating, and noisily taking to each other. In the corner of the room appeared to be a bar, and there was a huge board with tons of paper pinned to it near the door.

"Is this your first time in a guild?" Niki asked from behind him. He gave her a nod then scanned the large room till he finally spotted his brown haired friend. He walked over to find Tubbo excitedly talking to another man with dark brown hair and a beanie.

"Tommy!" His friend yelled before running over to give him a hug.

"I'm glad that you're finally awake, when we found you boys on the forest floor we thought that you were dead." the man in the beanie said with a smile. Tommy merely stared at him in confusion, then looked to his friend for any explanation as to why the man acted familiar around them.

Tubbo got the message then explained, "Seems that our luck finally turned around Tommy, this guy is the guild master that our village elder was taking about."

The man lifted his hand to shake Tommy's, when the boy responded the man's smile brightened.

"I'm Wilbur, welcome to my guild, more commonly known as L'manburg."

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