Chapter 25

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George gave the woman, who looked so much like his mother, a death glare before reaching for the chain that connected his feet to the wall, and attempted to break it using his dragon's strength.

"Don't bother," Jean stated calmly. "I enchanted the chain so it nullifies your dragon power."

"How's mother?" She asked.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" George said, his tone murderous.

"Oh dear, are you still mad at me for trying to kill your friends 10 years ago?" Jean asked, as she walked over to a small table in the corner and poured out some tea into a cup.

"You betrayed us, you used your magic to control the mobs against their will and caused them to attack innocent people." George accused.

"Now now George, that's no way to talk to your older sister," She stated calmly, "and both you and I know that the humans aren't innocent."

She placed the cup of tea, and a plate that had a cake on it in front of George. "This continent used to be a safe haven for mobs to roam free and do as they please," she said. "That is until those humans came and destroyed everything...Our mother and several other dragons were deceived by this invaders. She betrayed her own flesh and blood to side with them."

"You and I both know that father loved mother very much, he didn't deceive anyone." George argued.

"That may be, but what happened after the enemy was defeated huh? Our kind had to go into hiding in order to avoid scaring people, and getting exterminated. Imagine us, the mighty dragons that used to rule this continent hiding from weak humans, just because we refused to hurt them." Jean stated, then her face darkened, "well I intend to change that, I will return this continent to its former glory."

She bent down and patted George on the head. "You will be free to do as you please my dear brother, and you won't need to hide what you truly are."

George glared at her and she let out a sigh, "You may not understand it yet George, but one day you will thank me," She directed her gaze to the food that she had placed down.

"Your tea is getting cold..." She stated innocently.

If George didn't know any better, he would have thought that she had no malicious intent. "I don't want your crummy tea!" he yelled.

She stood up and placed a hand on his head again, "You really should eat something though, you need all the energy you can get for greeting our guests later."

George snapped his head to look at her, and she smirked. "Your friends are already on their way..." and with that she left.

George's body started to shake, not because of anger or the cold, but out of fear. Don't come George begged if you do... Images of his friends dying right in front of his eyes came rushing back, and a few tears threatened to fall from his eyes.


Dream pushed his wyvern, that Philza lent them, to the limit, trying to make it to George before it was too late. His mind wandered back to what Mirth told them, the dragon is his sister, could George really stand by and watch her die?

He remembered that cloudy day 10 years ago, the silly incident that destroyed their friendship.

"It's finally over George, we can finally go home!" Dream excitedly declared. The two boys were in a forest clearing, resting up before they would make the long journey back home. Dream turned around to see a very upset George, he's been like this since we defeated the sorcerer.

He bent down to hug the boy, George just stayed still before he reaching up and returning it. Dream felt George rest his face on his shoulder, and his skin heated up when George let out a shaky breath that fanned over his neck.

He pulled back despite knowing that his cheeks were probably red, he didn't need to hide them from George.

"And this isn't the end George, Techno's dad is willing to let us join his army. It will be you, me, and Sapnap, the greatest generals that Ragnor has ever had."

With this George's face darkened even more, he looked like he was about to cry, which he was.

"I'm sorry Dream, but me and Sap are returning back to Mirth."

Dream felt his heart drop, "Oh...are you guys going to finally establish a kingdom?"

"No, we are going home and returning to a peaceful life." George stated.

Dream felt a host of different emotions, anger, despair, loneliness. "You're just going to turn your back on the people?" he asked.

George stayed silent, Dream was getting increasingly angrier by the second for some reason.

"The emblems are gone George! Who is going to protect everyone if not us!" He yelled. Don't go! Dream internally pleaded to George.

"They'll figure something out, I don't want to fight anymore Dream, it's too gruesome. I want to go back to my peaceful life." George stated.

Dream suddenly grabbed George by the collar of his robe and pulled him up to face him, "So you're just going to run back home! Abandon the people and forget all that we've been through! What about your fighting skills? Your title as a great sage? Are you going to let your talents go to waste?!" He yelled.

Don't go, stay with me, his inner voice pleaded.

He was suddenly pulled away from George by Sapnap. "Dream, what on earth are you doing?" he asked.

Dream was silent trying to calm down his heart, why am I mad? He wondered. George who was free from his grip was sitting on the ground and staring at him. Dream felt something stab his heart when he saw the fear in George's eyes, he's scared of me, what have I done? I need to apologize, and support their decision.

But instead Dream merely glared at George, "Fine then, leave. Go and run back home to your mom..." that was all he said before he left.

He did glance back though, and the pain in his chest only increased when he saw George crying in Sapnap's arms. I made him cry, he left with Techno that day without saying goodbye to the rest of the group.

He knows now that it was merely pride. Being an assassin at such a young age was a hard life, and a position in the army was a great opportunity he couldn't turn down. He wanted his best friends there with him, he wanted George besides him. He couldn't tell George how he really felt and what he truly wanted.

I'm an idiot, why didn't I just keep my mouth shut. We could have kept in touch these past 10 years, maybe even visit each other once in a while.

Sapnap's wyvern was flying besides him, with Karl sitting behind him. Sapnap didn't like seeing Dream like this, if he lets his emotions take over, we will not win this fight.

"Dream! Calm down! Clear your head!" He yelled.

Dream listened and took a deep breath, "Thanks Sap, I needed that." he said, as he made his wyvern slow down a bit.

"We'll get him back Dream, don't you worry," Sapnap said with certainty in his voice. Dream gave him a thankful smile, before glancing at the rest of the party who smiled at him.

Just then Tommy, Fundy, Tubbo, and Eret let out an audible gasp. Niki's eyes blew open, "What is that...?" they trailed off.

"It's the End" Dream responded.

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