Nicki Minaj x Megan thee stallion [2]

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Megan pov

I woke up to Nicki and someone else screaming from downstairs.

I walked down the stairs and waited for awhile hearing, "I know she's here Nic, I just want to see her." I'd know that voice from anywhere.

"No, you can't see her, she doesn't need to see you right now Ty!" she screamed.

"What are you doing here, Tyrone?" I asked finally coming down letting myself be noticed.

"Megan, come back, I'm sorry ok!" He said walking towards me.

Nicki was about to say something, but I cut her off, "Nicki can I please talk to him in private please?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Fine!" she said walking towards the kitchen.

I then turned towards him, "What do you want Tyrone Johnson?" I question using his full name.

"Meg, don't be like that, I love you babe!" He said trying to kiss me.

I turned my head, "No, you don't love me and I don't love you either, that's it were over!" I said trying not to cry.

"You don't mean it" He said starting to get angry.

"Yes, I do" I said.

He raised his hands to hit me..

"Do it, I fucking dare you touch her and let's see where that'll end you!" Nicki said walking back into the living room.

"Fuck y'all, I'm out and Megan you were no goods anyway!" He said stomping his way towards the door.

I'm not gonna lie and say that didn't hurt cause it did.

"And Tyrone..." Nicki said when he was about to open the door.

He turned around, only for her to grab my face and kiss me passionately.

He got angry and ran over here slapping me.

Damn that hurt...

Before I could say anything, Nicki got on top of him delivering punch after punch to his face, he tried hitting her back but that proved unsuccessful, when she felt she had enough she stood up.

I was just standing there in utter shock and pain.

"Get the fuck outta my house, before I drag you out myself!" she said spiting on him.

"I hope you both rot!!" He screamed before walking-more like limping- out holding his rib.

"Meg..umm-" She said looking towards me.

"I'm fine, I'm gonna go take a bath, don't mind if I borrow some of your clothes." I said going upstairs.

I came down about an hour later, I spent most of my time in there crying but I feel better now, he's not worth it anyway.

"Megan are you ok? You're eyes are red like you've been crying?" Nicki said walking towards me cupping my face in both of her hands.

"I said I'm fine okay, just trust me" I said.

She leaned up a pecked my lips shockingly.

I thought she did it the last time just to annoy Ty.

"I love you."

"I think I might love you too."


I don't think I ended this well but,
Oh well😅

Hope you liked it?!😉

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