Megan x Normani

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Title: Switched
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Chaotic

'Decided to try a lil sumn' different'


"She's such a bitch, I swear!" Normani ranted for the umpteenth time plopping face down on her bed.

"Oh come on she couldn't be that bad." Camila shrugged walking into the room with a pack of Oreos.

"Yeah, you should really learn to get used to her, your going to be spending the whole of tomorrow with her anyways." Dinah said too following behind her girlfriend.

"But like she just doesn't care about anything, no plans, no nothing!, that's why she's probably gonna end up poor and on a highway!" Normani said shaking her head in mock disappointment "take me for example, I have plans.. plans to be followed. If I didn't follow them to the tea then my entire schedule would be ruined and one mistake like that could ruin my future forever!" She finished comically.

Her two friends just looked at her with sympathy.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" She questioned noticing their expressions.

"Umm.. how do I say this.." Lauren spoke up first ".. you're kind of a freak like with schedules and shit. It's kinda.. obnoxious really."

Normani looked at her in shock, "First of I'm not like that, second Camila tell your girlfriend that I'm not like that right?"

"You kinda are." Camila shrugged "like we know you wanna impress your parents and all but it's really I don't know.. obnoxious."

"Wow.. I'm not obnoxious and I don't do it for my parents. I do this stuff for myself."

"Mhmm." Lauren said obviously not believing the lie.

Normani's parents had two kids and for some reason they just never see her efforts as enough. They'd rather pick her older brother over her making her like this.. at a tender age of only nine she'd already devised a plan to win her parents over which was basically just a scrap book filled with all the accomplishments she wanted- needed to attain. How to attain it and the dream job she was gonna get.

No one ever said it was the job she wanted, it was more or less the job her parents wanted for her and of course their wish was her command, even though it wasn't her passion at all she was still gonna go ahead and do it.

Maybe just maybe then her parents would acknowledge her existence.

That was probably the reason she disliked Megan so much, the girl just lived a carefree life. Had no plans. No obligations and didn't give to flying fuck to the rules.

The rules Normani abided by with her all.. you could say she was a goody two shoes.


"Whatever, let's just get this movie night over with." She rolled her eyes making space on her bed for the other two girls before switching the tv on.


"No! It's not supposed to go over there!" Normani said for the umpteenth time in frustration stomping her feet on the floor.

She was honestly regretting being part of the student body and volunteering to help in preparing for the school dance.

Megan didn't volunteer but was forced to do this if she wanted to get out of a week's worth of detention for getting caught skipping multiple classes.

"It doesn't fucking matter, look it looks really good." Megan shrugged jumping off the ladder taking a look at the banner she hanged up.

"No it doesn't it's all bent!" Normani said not seeing what Megan was.

"That's the beauty in it." The taller girl shrugged again "You know I'm kinda hungry you wanna get something to eat we've been here for hours!"

"No I don't wanna get something to eat with you! We've been here for only ten minutes!"

"Well I'm tired."

"We've not even gone through a quarter of the decorations, yet. Come help me put up these lights."

"Do we really need all this stupid stuff, just slap up a banner put up a disco and done. The decorations don't even matter as long as there's bomb ass music and good ass food."

"You know that's one thing I really dislike about you. You just don't care about anything!"

"At least I'm not some stuck up goody two shoes entitled ass bitch!"

"Take that back!" Normani gritted out.

"What if I don't? It's true anyways." Megan chuckled knowing she was getting under the shorter girls skin.

"You don't know shit about me so take that back cause you couldn't handle being me or in my shoes!"

"There's nothing special about you, what about me you couldn't spend a day in my life." Megan challenged.

"There's nothing I can't handle in your life you have it easy going and that's why you act the way you do!"

"Wow.. you really don't know shit about me." Megan closed "and I'm going home." She didn't even wait for a reply before walking out the gym doors.

"Wait.. I can't finish setting this shit up myself?!" Normani cried out.

"Well you should've thought about that before upsetting me." Megan said at last shutting the door behind her.



I don't even know what this is..

Part 2 ?

Anyways vote, comment and share☆

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