Beyoncé x Rihanna

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Title: Near the lake
Genre: Fluffy, lil bit of angst
Dedicated to: droprain0111


Robyn looked out the little crack in the door and there was no one there, she took in a little breath deciding to go out for a little more inspection.

Picking up her little blue backpack-adventure sac as she'd like to call it, she quietly opened her bedroom door and it was all quiet.

Tiptoeing towards the stairs, she looked down from the banister seeing the person she was keeping an eye out for fast asleep with a beer bottle dangling from his hands making her roll her eyes, quietly she walked down the steps.

Just when she was about to pass by him, he shifted around a little causing her to pause in her steps holding in her breath, wishing to the Lord in heaven that he did not wake up right now and luckily for her he didn't, he just moved around a little and went back into a deep slumber.

She let out a breath, opening up the door before finally getting out the house and closing the door quietly behind her feeling the fresh air of freedom on her face.


"Finally!" She screams when she reaches the open field just before the lake.

This was basically her home, she'd always make sure to come here everytime she was having a bad day, which was basically almost every day.

"Shh..." She heard a quiet voice say in the distance making her raise a brow walking towards the girl who was sitting near the lake.

"Who are you?" She asked rather loudly making the girl whimper a little using her hands to cover her ears.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked again but more softer this time.

The girl didn't say anything but instead moved back a bit pointing in her direction.

"I'm your problem..damn, I mean I just met you." Robyn frowned.

As if being told she was a problem for almost all her life wasn't enough, now a random stranger is doing the exact same, maybe not technically but still she knew what she meant.

"I don't like you very much." Robyn announced getting up "so.. you have to go."

"No." that was the first thing Beyoncé said since she first met the girl, she got here first so the spot was hers.

"What'd you mean by 'no' this is my spot not yours!" Robyn said eyeing her.

The girl didn't reply but instead just looked down at her feet, wondering why the taller girl was telling her to leave when she got here first.

"It's late, you probably shouldn't even be here anyways." Robyn said sitting down again but this time keeping a little distance between them. "How about this- I'll tell you why am here and you tell me why you're here?"

Beyoncé didn't say anything back but just nodded, she felt like since she didn't know the girl it'd be okay to tell her a few things, anyways they were probably never gonna see each other again.

"Okay... My dad was being a pain in the ass, so I snuck out when he'd fallen asleep." 'more like passed out' Robyn thought internally rolling her eyes.

Beyoncé raised her brow at that, they had something in common- now the girl seemed less annoying to her.

"What 'bout you?"

Beyoncé shook her head a little realizing she'd been a little lost in thought.

"Loud. Loud noises." she mumbled.

"Huh?" Robyn asked not getting what she'd said.

"Loud. Loud everywhere." she said a bit higher this time.

Robyn only scrunched her face up in confusion, what in the world was the girl talking about?

"Loud. Loud. Noises!" Beyoncé groaned loudly in frustration hitting her face with her hands seeing as the girl didn't understand what she was talking about.

"Loud. Loud. Loud!" she kept mumbling over and over trying to get the other girl to understand her.

Robyn was confused, yes. But she was more worried about the girl hurting herself.

"Stop it, you're gon' hurt ya self." she said slowly crawling towards the other girl trying to get the girls hands off her face only to have the girl recoil back.

"Ok! I won't touch you but you gotta stop." she said calmly, whispering sweet nothings into the girls ear.

She sure as heck wasn't used to this, and it made her feel very weird, but little did she know she wasn't the only one feeling it.

"Umm.. mi name's Robyn." she said a little after the girl had calmed down, internally slapping herself seeing that this wasn't the right time.

"Beyoncé." the other girl said letting out a tired smile.

Robyn thought her heart was gonna jump out her chest, that smile could literally light up a whole room both literally and figuratively.


Exams are tomorrow, wish me luck

Hope you liked the shot 💜.

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