Rihmeg [2]

978 44 0

Title: Dad's girlfriend [2]
Genre: A lil smut.


Ever since the moment that happened Megan had been ignoring Robyn, not like the she cared but still..

She started coming to the house less and even when she did they barely ever even glanced in one another's direction to the point where even her father had slowly started to notice.

"What's up with you and Megan?" He suddenly asks her one day over dinner, but Robyn only shrugs..

"Ion know what's wrong with your girlfriend, you should ask her." Oh she knew what was wrong, it actually made her internally smirk knowing the reason why his little girlfriend was acting all distant.

She had a dick.. yup. Was she ashamed of it? No.

She was born that way and nothing she does or says can change that so she'd learn to accept it at a young age plus she did get a few advantages with it- example she didn't have to worry about that time of the month.

"I did ask her and she said she was fine, I know she isn't and that's why she's coming over tomorrow, y'all's relationship is a bit tense don't you think?" He says eyeing her a bit.

"I don't really mind, she can come over." Robyn states shaking her head of all the dirty thoughts she was fantasizing about with her dad's girlfriend.


The sounds of laughter from the kitchen draws Robyn in that direction, walking over there she'd seen her dad and Megan laughing about what not.

As soon as they noticed her presence the laughter slowly seized and awkwardness slowly creeped into the kitchen.

Robyn just yawns going to grab a glass of water before walking out the kitchen and into the living room.

She heard a few hushed whispers coming from the kitchen as she exited like they were having a very important conversation.. before suddenly it stopped and her dad walked out Megan following behind him.

She paused her tv show to look over at them, before her dad suddenly spoke up.

"Rob.." he states taking a seat on the sofa opposite hers "..I'm going to be going on a business trip for the rest of the weekend and Megan is going to be staying with you since she has nowhere to go right now."

I knew this bitch was just using him for his money. Robyn thought before looking over at the both of them, it was just then she noticed the bags lined up at the door.

She knew he wasn't going on no business trip, he was just doing this to make them a little bit closer.

"Okay." She shrugs before looking back towards the television.

"My flight is around 9:00, so I'm gonna get ready. Y'all can manage by yourselves right?" He asks.

"Mhmm.." Robyn mumbles not even sparing him a glance.

"Okay I'll see you guys, later." He then proceeds to walk up the stairs to get himself ready.


"Rih?" Megan asks after awhile gaining a little courage, it'd been about an hour since he travelled so she decided to talk to Robyn to at least clear the tension surrounding them both.

Robyn turns to look at her with a 'what?' look plastered on her face, they were both in the kitchen now or at least Robyn was in the kitchen before Megan walked in taking a seat on the stool besides her.

"I came to a-apologize for what happened between us last week, I should've waited for you to answer the door. I really didn't mean it and I'm sorry for all the awkwardness I've caused." She said all in one breath before looking down, crossing her legs at the wet feeling she was suddenly getting as she remembered the image of what'd she'd seen the week before.

"Question, are you really sorry and want us to put this behind us or..." She slowly leans forward "..want me to fuck the living daylight out of you." She whispered now slowly trailing kisses down her collarbone.

"Umm... I- st-stop it rih, y-your dad." Megan mumbles in weak attempts to push her off.

"Why you fighting it babygirl, he'll never know if you don't tell him, now will he?" Robyn seductively says getting off the stool and in between Megan's legs.

"This is w-wrong but I-I want it s-so much.."

"Then don't fight it." Robyn states simply before placing her lips on Megan's.

The younger girl opening her mouth for more access, as their tongues battled for dominance- which Robyn won obviously.

Robyn used her hands to pull the older woman's skirt down leaving her in only her pink laced panties.

"Cute.." she mumbles before pulling it off discarding it along with the skirt.. somewhere.

Robyn slowly knelt down placing a long lick on the woman's pussy, then another and soon she was devouring the woman like it was her last meal not minding that they were in the kitchen and this was her father's girlfriend.

"F-fuck rob.." Megan moans gripping tightly unto the kitchen counter behind her.

Her tongue kept moving in and out of the older woman at a rapid pace, switching back and forth between tongue fucking her and sucking on her clit.

"Mhmm.." Megan moaned pushing Robyn's face closer if even possible to her sex, the guilt long gone.

"I'm... cum.. cumming!" Megan moans out releasing all over Robyn's tongue.

Robyn laped up every last bit before coming back up to kiss the woman letting her taste her own slick.

"That was good but we not done, you wanna come up to my room?" Robyn asks seductively still stroking the older woman's thigh.

"Y-yeah.." Megan says breathlessly giving in to their sin.


I need ideas y'all cause rn. I'm more focused on ADOPTED. so updates here may be slow cause I'm not getting much ideas 💡

Anywho vote, comment and share☆

Also if you have any requests you can pm me with the ship and plot and I'll make sure to write as many as I can.

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