Rihanna x Nicki Minaj

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Title: stuck with you
Genre: fluff.


"Nicki you gotta get going, it's getting late." Her friend told her about to clock out of work.

"Don't worry Bey, I just gotta finish on these e-mails and then I'm out." she said not looking up from the laptop screen.

"All right but don't overwork yourself." Beyoncé said walking out of her friends office.

Truth be told Nicki had loads of other work to do so she wasn't actually planning on going home anytime soon, she just adjusted her glasses continuing to type feverishly on the keyboard.


After sometime Nicki finally decided to get some rest, she stretched out her hands feeling a little sore from the bad posture she's been in all day.

She then switched off the laptop, stood up from the seat and picked up her purse and started heading out the office.

"I'm so tired." She yawned walking through the elevator doors, just when it started to close she could hear the sounds of footsteps tapping against the tiles.

"Hey, please hold up.." a woman said from the other side rushing to get there.

She only raised her brow in question thinking she was the only one there, she then put her arm between the doors and watched the elevator open back up.

"Ugh.. thanks ma." the woman said walking in but Nicki couldn't help but notice the heavy accent urging her to believe that the woman wasn't from around here.

She only nodded in acknowledgement and pulled out her phone from her purse, scrolling through it and answering a few messages here and there but she couldn't help but feel as a pair of eyes stayed glued to her.

"Can you stop staring?" She said hostility written all over her words without even looking up.

"Oh, sorry ma mi just wondering if I could get ya number?" The other woman said licking her lips slowly.

Making Nicki appalled as she looked up, "and what makes you think I'll give you my number?" She asked but before the other woman could answer they could feel the ground shake beneath them and the light go on and off.

And soon there was a heavy movement that caused Nicki to nearly fall on her ass and then the lights went off.

"Shit.." they both cursed seeing as the elevators had stopped working making them both look at each other.

Nicki was the first to look away, she felt herself about to have a panic attack she was never really good with tiny spaces and she was also afraid of the dark.. just the cherry on top!
She thought.

"Ya okay?" Robyn asked walking over to the girl seeing her slide her back against the wall in a crouching position and clutching her chest tightly.

"Mm.. I'm..fine!" Nicki could barely even get the words out as she sat on the floor trying to do her breathing exercises.

Robyn also sat down too but kept a bit of a distance between them.

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