Beyoncé x Michelle Williams

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Title: Church girl [2]
Genre: Read...😏
Requested by: solangesgf


She then called her own phone to get Michelle's number before they bid each other goodbye and walked their separate ways.

"So how do you feel about Shawn?" her mother asks as soon as she entered the car.

"Not my type." He really wasn't her type anyways, he was annoying and persistent.

Plus her eyes were on someone else...


Maybe hanging out on Saturday wouldn't be that bad..


It was now Saturday and Tina was the one to personally drop Beyoncé off at the pastor's house.

"I'll pick you up at six." Tina smiles though it didn't reach her eyes, she really didn't like the fact that Beyoncé was gay, it was starting to embarrass her in front of her friends.. maybe Michelle could talk some sense into her daughter.

Beyoncé doesn't reply to that instead walking up to the house, ringing the doorbell.

Tina just drives off.., "Oh hello Beyoncé, Michelle's upstairs." Mrs. Williams smiles warmly opening the door wider for Beyoncé to walk in, she does so after taking off her shoes at the door.

"Hi Mrs. Williams." Beyoncé smiles politely walking up the stairs, it wasn't that hard to find Michelle's room since it was the first one in the hallway with a huge 'M' on the door.

She knocked on it, "Come in!" The voice from inside called to which she opens the door walking in.

Michelle was layed up in her bed switching through channels on the TV opposite her bed, "Oh B-Beyoncé, I didn't know y-you'd be here so early." Michelle shyly states getting up from the bed.

She hadn't even dressed up properly, heck she was still in her PJs.

"It's actually 12 in the afternoon." Beyoncé states to which Michelle just nods shyly, she didn't know what to say so she was just tapping her dresser a bit nervously.

She'd had a crush on Beyoncé for a few years now but she couldn't really act on her feelings, especially considering the fact that her father is a whole entire pastor. And now that Beyoncé was in her living space she didn't know how to act or what exactly to say.

"Y-you can sit." She stutters a little motioning to the bed, to which Beyoncé gladly does, "You know you don't have to be nervous around me right?"

Michelle just nods still playing what her fingers, what does she even say? Her parents.. well both their parents were expecting her to try rid the demons of this girl when in all reality she herself also had 'demons'


"Let's get to know each other shall we, I mean I've known you for three years but I've not really known you." Beyoncé interjected to which Michelle just nods.

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