Beyrihnic [4]

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Title: Detention (4)
Genre: 🤷🏾‍♀️

.. Previously

Not long after all three girls were sat in the living room with Nicki in one of Beyoncé's sweatpants and a t-shirt that was way too big for her but was cozy nonetheless.

Nicki sat in between the two taller girls as they watched re-runs of Stranger things while eating the pizza.

Nicki being the only one actually interested, Robyn was on her phone texting god knows who, while Beyoncé was just about to doze off.

It was silent in the house except the sounds coming from the tv, Robyn then dropped her phone after awhile on the couch besides her as she scooted a little closer to the other two girls.

A yawn escapes her lips only a little while later as both she and Beyoncé fall asleep their heads resting on Nicki's shoulders.

Nicki slowly cranes her neck looking at both girls, 'Maybe.. just maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let them in'.


..The next day

Beyoncé was the first one to wake up feeling a sharp pain in her neck, "oww" she mumbled sitting up a bit, making her leg bump into another.

A loud groan emitting from that person but not enough to wake them up, instead they just rolled over snuggling more to the person besides them..

'Da fuq' Beyoncé thought looking around her only to be met with the two familiar faces of the girls she'd invited over the night before..

"Oh yeah." she mumbled to herself getting up from the couch and stretching a little bit.

Walking into the kitchen, she decided to make breakfast for the girls even though she didn't even know what she was doing..

Now I know a lot might actually be wondering, how could she literally be seventeen and not know how to make a simple breakfast?

Well she would've if she had a present mother or mother figure at least, her parents have never been there for her, choosing money over their own child.

They were barely ever even around, and always on business trips, Beyoncé had spent basically all her childhood with maids and nannies.

She'd tried so much to get their acceptance and validation as a kid that at this point she couldn't even care less anymore.. she'd already gotten used to it.

They were never gonna actually care about her and that's just something she had to get used to.

Shaking her head off all these thoughts, she didn't even know when Robyn had walked into the kitchen.

Her hair was all frizzy and lightly messy, 'Cute' Beyoncé thought before shaking her head.

'The hell am I thinking about, she doesn't even like me talk more of liking me in that way!' Beyoncé stared at the countertop having an inner battle in her head not even hearing as Robyn called out to her multiple times.



"Earth to Yoncé?"


"Robyn is cute!" Beyoncé immediately covered her mouth as soon as the words came out.

She wanted to die, a hole to just open up and swallow her whole.

The smirk on Robyn's face made her heart rate pick up a mile a minute as she thought she was probably gonna die in her own kitchen this early in the morning..

"Is that so?" Robyn smirked as she walked over to the otherside of the counter where Beyoncé sat, resting her palms on the blonde haired girls shoulder, lightly sucking on her earlobe.

If you could take a picture of Beyoncé right now you'd see just how red in the face she is..

"What's g-going on here?" Nicki yawned a little walking into the kitchen.

"I-I... Uhh-" Beyoncé didn't even finish her sentence as she jumped off the seat bolting out of the kitchen to her room in definite need of a cold bath, before she ended up doing something she wasn't supposed to...

'Lord have mercy!"


"What's up with her?" Nicki asked walking further into the kitchen..

"I don't know." Robyn shrugged.

Nicki just shrugged their weird behavior off deciding she'd try cook something for the three of them.

Anyways those two were always behaving strange...

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