Beyoncé x Nicki Minaj (ii)

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Genre: Fantasy, Teen Romance...


"What were you girls thinking?!" Tina was pacing around the office now, she was honestly tired of Beyoncé and her tendency to burn things down and now she was dragging Onika into her shenanigans too?!

"Ma'am..." Onika immediately keeps her mouth shut when Tina cut her eyes at her, she was now honestly regretting ever leaving the class, she had never gotten in trouble before and today would be her first.

"Beyoncé what did we talk about today?! I said one more trouble from you and I'm shipping you off coast and I guess now would be a good time to do so! So I guess you better go start packing your bags!"

"She's not leaving!" Onika couldn't help but be outraged by this, why would Tina do that! Just when they were getting somewhere..

"Oh she is, and she's not leaving alone, you're following her too.." her decision was final, she was done she definitely couldn't handle Beyoncé but Matthew sure as hell would, and Onika was only going as a bonus since it seemed she was the only one able to calm Beyoncé down.

Beyoncé was silent throughout the whole ordeal, she didn't really care since she was just about ready to leave this place anyways, it wasn't like she had any friends here since no one wanted to hang around the kid with the anger problems.

Plus now she knew that Onika was going to be tagging along, it was basically a win win situation in her opinion.

"No! I can't leave, my friends are all here I don't know anything about that place, how am I gonna fit in, I can't leave!" Tears were pricking her eyes now, how exactly was she going to fit in with the crowd, she'd never been to a normal school before... Hell she doesn't even know how that place looks like.

She was an orphan when she got dropped here her parents had died in battle and she was shipped off to this place since she was the last of her kind, it's all she's ever known, adapting to a new environment and new people wasn't going to be easy..

Beyoncé could only wrap her arms around the smaller girl, glaring at the woman before them, "I've made my decision and it's final, so I suggest you both start packing, you'll be leaving tommorow morning."


"I'm going to m-miss you guys so much." The three friends couldn't help but letting out their own tears embracing their friend in a group hug..

Onika leaving was so irrational and fast for them they couldn't even believe it, talk less of Onika herself.

"You promise to call?" Robyn was the one that asked this, it was rare for the girl to cry so you could tell this was hurting a lot, not just for her but for all of them.

"Promise." Onika mumbles shakily not wanting to detach from the hug, "Come on, it's time to go!" Tina says opening the door to Onika's well.. ex- dorm.

Onika let's out a shaky breath releasing from the hug as they all say a final goodbye before she follows Celestine out the room, they soon reach outside where Beyoncé was already standing with her things by her side.

"You girls better behave yourselves and if I get good reports then maybe I'll consider bringing you back but till then..." She didn't finish the sentence looking at them both sternly, Onika nods, she'd try her best to keep out of trouble so she can come back as soon as she could.

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