Rihanna x Kelly Rowland

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Title: Blind Date
Genre: Read to find out.


"You think I look good?" Kelly asks adjusting her dress for the umpteenth time in the last four minutes.

"You look beautiful girl, stop stressing." Beyoncé says kinda annoyed by the amount of times she asked that.

"But like I may have a hair out of place or something, I look nervous am I nervous?!"

"Kelly! Shut up! I've literally met your date before and she's chill, you're taking this whole thing outta proportion." Beyoncé frustratedly states. "Just go in there do your little charm and boom you have her underneath your fingers."

"You really think so?"

"I know so now go out there and be the sexy, alluring Kelly I know, Nic says she's already in there."

It was just then Kelly noticed that they'd pulled up into the restaurant of choice.

"Okay, I'm good. I'm good." She breathes out before walking out the car.

"You're good and call me if anything goes wrong okay and keep your location on."

"Okay, love you B."

"Same." Beyoncé says before pulling out of the restaurant in her car leaving Kelly there to walk into the restaurant.

Kelly immediately spots the person she's looking for not too long after, she'd only seen pictures of the woman before but damn those didn't do her justice at all.

She was sipping on something while looking out the clear glass window next to her- she'd picked a window seat to add more into the.. romantic scenery.

"Hi." She says shyly sliding into the booth opposite the woman.

"Hey." The lady says a little awkwardly looking away from the window, she hadn't prepared for this. Nicki never told her that the woman would look this beautiful. "I'm Robyn."

"I know." Kelly giggles, the sound doing way more things than it was supposed to do to Robyn's body.

They just sat in silence a little while after, just sneaking few glances at each other both thinking of how to overcome the awkward phase.

"I like your eyes." Kelly smiles looking at the woman for a quick second before diverting her gaze somewhere else.

"Thanks, you look really good."

Luckily for them a waiter walked up to their table to take their orders and release them from whatever awkward line was about to come after that.

"Have you both decided on your order yet?" He asks looking at Kelly licking his lips.

"Yes we have." Robyn says glaring at him before stating her order.

"And for you, beautiful?" He asks to Kelly, the woman then said her order out.

"Well you've heard it, you're dismissed." Robyn says waving him off.

He just nods awkwardly sensing the unfriendly tone in her voice.

"Yeah?" Robyn asks feeling the gaze on the side of her face.

"What was that?" She asked trying to bite back her laugh at Robyn's behavior with the waiter.

"He was being a pest so I got him to leave." Robyn shrugged with a smile. "You know I actually don't know much about you, how about you ask me questions and I ask you?"

"Sounds good." Kelly says.

"Okay how old are you?"

"21, 22 next month.. How old are you?"

"21 next month."

"Uhnn you're a baby." Kelly laughs.

"I'm not a baby." Robyn playfully rolls her eyes "You're literally only older by a year."

"Okay okay my question..." They keep asking each other more questions until the same waiter from earlier comes back to hand them their food.

This time avoiding eye contact with Robyn, slyly sliding his number to Kelly.

"Sorry not interested." Kelly fake smiles ripping it up leaving the young man embarrassed quickly leaving the table.

Robyn only laughs, "That's what he deserves you with me now."

"Yeah I guess."

"What'd you mean by you guess, we definitely going on a second date, chemistry's above the roof."

"Who told you that?" Kelly laughs teasingly.

"Myself.. but how have I never seen you with Bey and Nic or with Bey at least?"

"I been out the state but I'm back now."

"Okay so that mean we're going on a second date, right?"



This update literally took me so long like I'm barely even getting ideas for this one shot anymore.

So updates may be slow 🙃

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