Lauren London x Doja cat [i]

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Title: Pretty little girl
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Warning ⚠️: mdlg


Amala walked through the hallways of her highschool, with her little dawn in her hands, dawn was a stuffed kitten and Amala carried him everywhere with her.

Dawn was a kinda girlish name but Amala didn't care, she really just liked the name.

She received weird and disgusted stares from people as she passed by them to get to her first class of the day, she walked with her head down not looking up at anyone.

She was used to this, being called the 'weird kid' by everyone or 'freak', for carrying a stuffed animal with her everywhere she went and sucking her thumb.

No one ever wanted to associate themselves with her, so she was basically out casted in the school.

She walked into her first period class which was history, seeing only one desk empty she went to sit in it, it wasn't too close to the front neither was it too close to the back so it was basically perfect to her.

She put dawn down beside her, pulling out her pink looking pencil case.

As she was sucking her thumb and doodling on her desk basically zoning out on what the teacher was saying, she heard a few whispers and then the door to the class opened making her look up, seeing a short girl, maybe slightly taller than her.

But one thing was for sure the girl was really pretty, Amala wished she could be just as pretty as her.

"Please introduce yourself." her teacher, who was a dark skinned man with barely any hair left on his head said.

"Hi everyone, my name is Lauren London. I'm 17 and that's basically it, I hope we can all get along." The girl said cheerily making Amala unconsciously smile a little, she immediately stopped smiling when she realized what she was doing, training her eyes on the table not wanting to seem weird.

Lauren looked around spotting only one empty seat which was next to a girl that she thought stood out a little in the class, her clothes where unnaturally bright colors and her hair was in pigtails, she also held a stuffed animal to her chest, making her look quite childish.

Lauren sat on the sit right next to hers, pulling out a few notes, and jotting down what the teacher had been saying.

"I want you all to turn towards the person next to you and discuss the topic I've just thought, while I grade a few papers." He said as the period itself was almost done, he knew most of the students wouldn't even do what he asked but as long as they were quiet, he didn't care.

"Hey." Lauren said turning towards the girl.

The shorter girl fidgeted in her seat, wondering why Lauren was even talking to her.

"Hi." she mumbled holding dawn even closer to her chest.

"I'm Lauren, what about you?" Lauren asked trying to make small talk.

"Amalam" she said just above a whisper.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

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