Nicki Minaj x Beyoncé [a]

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Title :  Summer camp
Genre:  Fluff

Omniscient Pov

"Mom, I don't wanna go!!!!" Nicki screamed tugging at her seat belt.

"I really don't have time for this!" Her mom aggravatedly stated, and started the engine driving off to the camp Onika was going to be staying at for the next two months.

Carol was going on a business trip, and she couldn't leave Onika in the house by herself, so she decided on taking the kid to summer camp, considering the fact that she was getting to addicted to gadgets and was slowly becoming anti-social and not wanting to hang out with kids her age.

But the 8 year old couldn't disagree more, she hated the idea of camp.

Every single thing about it irritated her, from having to paint to making friendship bracelets and worst of all having to do outdoor activities.

They soon pulled up in their destination, after much struggle Onika finally got out the car, with a very sour attitude.

"Bye Nic, be good. I promise you'll have fun." Her mom said placing a soft kiss on her forehead to which she grumbled a tiny bye and walked off..


She had finally reached the cabin, she'd be staying at. She opened the door seeing three other girls already there.

There were four single beds facing each other, two on the left side and two on the right.

The girls immediately paused what they were doing staring at her momentarily, then going back to what they were doing.

One of the girls was sat on her bed, she was white and had straight brown hair which she put into a pony tail, she looked like she was reading a novel.

While the other two girls were play wrestling on the floor, they both looked really happy to be here much to Onika's dismay.

One had straight black hair, very enticing set of green eyes and a really prominent forehead.

While the other had a nice curly set of golden locks and very warm honey brown eyes.

Cute. Onika thought.

But she didn't dare say a word, instead going over to the only bed that was not occupied which was next to the reading girl.

She put down her things and just sat on the bed staring into space, she was soon taking out of her trance when she felt a dip in her bed.

She looked to the side seeing that same cute girl from a couple of seconds ago.

"Hi!" the girl grinned doing a small wave.

She didn't answer but stay staring at the girl,

1. Cause she was awkward...
2. The girl literally took her breath away..
3. She didn't want to be here.

"Umm... welcome to camp." The girl said scratching her nape awkwardly seeing as Onika had not replied her.

Onika looked from her to the other two girls in the room, seeing as one was reading a book while the other was arranging her things.

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