Lauren London x Rihanna

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Title: Motel
Genre: Neutral with a side of fluff.


Robyn had just finally gotten home from work after a long day at the office now all she wanted to do was just sleep and probably wake back up a week later.

To top it of it was raining which only made her all the more sleepy, the only sounds heard in her car was the sound of the radio playing some classic 80's love song and the pitter patter of raindrops hitting her windscreen.

As she drove her car suddenly hit something making it jerk forward a little, she immediately switched the car off reaching into the backseat to pull out her emergency umbrella and flashlight to check out what her car had hit.

Getting out the car she closed her door behind her wanting to just go check it out and get out the rain since it was almost reaching nine p.m.

"Fuck!" She mutters seeing that she'd hit a big rock leaving her front tire busted.

"Who the fuck put a rock here?!" She spoke annoyed.

Now how was she going to get home, she was a solid thirty plus minutes away from home in a car so how was she gonna walk that distance and especially in the rain that didn't seem to want to come to a halt anytime soon.

She couldn't even use her spare tire because that's what she was using already.

Getting back into the car she called up her mechanic to see if he'd be of any help.

"Mav, I need your help... Yeah my tires busted... You need to come get me.. Then what am I supposed to do now?!.... Can't you at least try... Fine I'll try to get one." She cut the call not even waiting on a reply.

He said he couldn't come out there due to the rain and suggested she just find somewhere to stay for the night, especially considering it wasn't a really good idea to stay in the car for too long.. she could get mobbed.

"Where the fuck am I even going to?" She asks herself following the GPS system on her phone before she then sees a dim light in the distance.

"Finally damn." She mumbles to herself as she approaches closer and closer to the building.

It was a little motel, it seemed really tacky and unsafe but that would just have to suffice till the next morning or at least till the rain stills.

Walking into the building it didn't actually look as bad as it did from the outside and it was warm which made her sigh in relief to finally be out of the cold air.

There was a woman at the counter that seemed to be on a phone call, so she walked over to the counter to wait for her to finally finish up the call.. which took forever by the way.

"What do you want?" She asks a bit rudely when the call ended putting the phone down.

"How much for a night?" Robyn asks deciding to just ignore her tone especially considering the fact that she wasn't in the mood to deal with whatever attitude this lady was putting on.

"60." She stated blankly.

"Okay.. I guess." Robyn digging into her purse to pull out a hundred handing it over to the woman.

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